Author: Gyanendra Pandey
Publisher: Sri Satguru Publications
Year: 2003
Language: English
Pages: 174
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170307724
Ojaksaya is generally referred in context of AIDS which is caused by HIV infection. Infection of AIDS is through sexual intercourse, sodomy, blood transfusion, intravenous injections, oral coitus, homosexual relations, infected needles, narcotic, addicts and other caustive factors. In indigenous system of medicine, the classical texts of medicine have clinically discussed some diseases and abnormal or ailing conditions relating to manifestation of diseases.
I. Ojaksaya and AIDS
II. Sex Behaviour and Ideal Conduct of Life
III. Adverse Effects of Excessive Sex Indulgence
IV. Woman As Best source of Sex Stimulation
V. Desire of Life: Pranaisana
VI. Significance of Sara In Body Immunity
VII. Concept of Infection
VIII. Semen and Seminal Morbidity
IX. Dhatuksaya
X. Anti-AIDS Ojaksaya Drugs
XI. Classical Drug Formulations Useful in Ojaksaya-AIDS
XII. Role of Yasada Bhasma in AIDS
XIII. Relevant Classical Dictum
XIV. Physiopathological Aspects of Oja
XV. Medical Treatment of Seminal Morbidites: Sukradosa
XVI. Karsya Roga: Emaciation
XVII. Related Diseases
XVIII. Secually Transmitted diseases