Author: Bepin Behari
Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass
Year: 1998
Language: English
Pages: 387
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8120814312
Astrological Biographies is a unique exercise in applied astrology. Based on seventeen eminent biographies of persons born in different parts of the world and engaged in different activities, the study explores the deeper impact of planetary impulses on their life.
The destiny of a nation is written in biographies of its people. The study effectively shows the contribution of these individuals in making their country great. It however shows that the missionary spirit of these leaders was received from higher sources. The invisible hand of destiny played its role greatly in shaping their life and enabling them to contribute their share decisively in making their country great. But the struggles through which they passed and the laurels and the brickbats they received were all written in their stars.
The sorrows and frustrations which invariably accompanied them were inevitable parts of the process of their growth and inner unfoldment: the seed can sprout only when the outer covering is broken, the chicken can come out and breathe in freedom only when the external shell is broken.
But the life of these personalities in some degree or more represents the life of the millions who are struggling for more light and greater understanding of their own purpose of existence. In a language bereft of any astrological jargon and based on well researched details of life – the book almost pulsates with the planetary spirit and non-physical influences almost from the very beginning. It uplifts the reader to a radically different realm, where there is more of inspiration and less of sorrow.
General readers, students, and practitioners engaged in forecasting will find it a fascinating study. Read even a single biography and see its worth for yourself.
1. Arundale, Smt Rukmini Devi
2. Aurangzeb, Alamgir Ghazi
3. Azad, Chandrashekhar
4. Bedi, Kiran
5. Dalai Lama
6. Desai, Morarji
7. Diplomat, an European
8. Gorbachev, Midhail
9. Jung,Carl Gustav
10. Kapoor, Ranbir Raj
11. Krishnamurti, Jiddu
12. Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
13. Nikhanja, Kapildev
14. Ramanujan, Srinivasa
15. Seshan, Thirunilayi Narayanaiyer
16. Tata, Jehangir Ratanji Dedabhoy
17. Singh, Vashishta Narayan