Author: P H Kulkarni
Publisher: Sri Satguru Publications
Year: 2001
Language: English
Pages: 239
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170307082
This book brings together 41 papers dweling on Ayurveda, its efficacy, and its future.
1. Ayurveda in a multicultural society : a dialogue/Manfred Junius.
2. Utility of Ayurveda in the programme of health for all upto 2000 AD/Kvji Dharam Vir.
3. Chandraprabha therapy in acuteurinary tract infection : a clinical study/Vasant R. Pai.
4. Effect of Durva swarasa (cynadone-ductilan) in functional uterine bleeding/A.R. Shitre.
5. Clinical trial of Shwadanshtradi Guggul and Padmak Kitta Youg in lumber and cervical spondylosis/Vivek S. Haldavnekar.
6. Immortal Ayurvedic surgical principles and treatment/R.B. Gogte.
7. Clinical assessment of thiostanin in skin disorders/B.B. Date.
8. A study of use of ‘Varunadi Kwath’ in Mutrakruchcchra/Praphullata Prashant Suru.
9. Role of Ayurveda and numerology in deciding your mental constitution/Vijay B. Rendalkar.
10. The promotion and improvement of efficiency of the available applied methods in the field of natural medicine/Alaa K. Kaid.
11. A study of Shankha Bhasma (Conch Bhasma) in the treatment of Amlapitta (acid dyspepsia)/V.V. Bhagwat.
12. The concepts of fasting and dietary aspects in rheumatic disorders/A.A. Raut.
13. To study the intercropping in Sarpandha (Rauvolfia Serpentian) for monetary return/R.D. Thakare.
14. Rationale of Yoga procedures/B.V. Sathaye.
15. A study of the relation between Tubectomy and Wata Dosha/M.D. Patil.
16. Role of medicinal plants in Indian system of medicine and their propagation/P.P. Khode.
17. To study the efficasy of Vasa Arka on the diseases of Pranvahasrotasa (respiratory system)/Nishikant P. Dhumane.
18. Role of Tridosha in human development and its significance in applied medicine and surgery/D.G. Thatte.
19. Glimpses on the ancient Ayurvedic literature on Leprosy/V.V. Dongre.
20. Study of Vamankarma/S.P. Sardeshmukh.
21. Study of Raktamokshan Vidhi/Dilip P. Gadgil.
22. Electromagnetic effects on human tissue systems/C.R. Karnik.
23. A study of Anti-Timira (Anticataract) activity of Katak (Strychnos Potatorum)/Samir Kumar Pan.
24. Traditional medicine and integration of medicinal sciences/Blazej Slaby.
25. Pharmaceutics and pharmacokinetic studies of "Tamra Bhasma"/K.N. Gujar.
26. The effect of Ayurved preparations Arogyavardhini and Sanjeevani Guti on the growth of three mammalian cell lines in vitro/S.A. Bopegamage.
27. Ayurvedic approach to the treatment of Parkinsonism/M.D. Sane.
28. Review of pulse in Ayurveda and modern science/S.R. Apte.
29. Surgical ethics and Ayurved/S.I. Nagral.
30. Fertility control and Ayurveda/Kumud Nagral.
31. Pravahika Chikitsa with Vang- Bhasma/P.S. Pawar.
32. Tridoshika changes during and after Panchkarmas therapy in reference to anatomy and physiology/J.T. Chotai.
33. Role of Paripathadi Kadha in ‘Karn-srav’/Ashok G. Wali.
34. Scope and role of Ayurved in modern anaesthesia/D.P. Puranik.
35. Surgical traditions in Ayurveda/P.N. Awasthi.
36. Ayurvedic Suksma medicines for health for all by 2000 AD/Ranjana Abhang.
37. Bronchial Asthma (Tamaka shwasa)/S.B. Joshi.
38. Assessment of Amex (amapachak vati) in Shayyamutrata (enuresis)/Prashant Anant Suru.
39. An Ayurvedic preparation and skin care/Satish D. Pandit.
40. The concept of Tridosha in Ayurveda/R.U. Padmawar.
41. Comparative efficacy of four Ayurvedic formulations in the treatment of ACNE vulgaris: a double blind randomised placebo controlled clinical evaluation/Prakash Paranjape.
42. Occupational diseases and Ayurveda/P.H. Kulkarni.