Ayurved and Hepatic Disorders

Ayurved and Hepatic Disorders

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Author: P H Kulkarni
Publisher: Sri Satguru Publications
Year: 2001
Language: English
Pages: 228
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170307201



Hepatoprotective effect of Livocure was assessed against two chemical substances which are known to cause hepatic damage and whose mechanism of action is also known to some extent. Livocure effectively reversed the biochemical and histopathological changes in the liver induced by both hepatotoxins. In addition to its curative/corrective property, Livocure also exerted a protective action enabling the hepatocytes to counteract the adverse effects of hepatotoxins.


The liver plays a vital role in the metabolism and elimination of various endogenous and exogenous compounds. These biotransformation and detoxification processes expose the liver to various hepatotoxic agents.

Infections, drugs, alcohol and other dietary and environmental toxins induce structural and functional damage and predispose the liver to a vast array of disorders.

In the modern system of medicine there is no selective treatment of value for the management of hepato biliary disorders. In the absence of a universally acceptable and effective therapy, the management of hepato biliary disorders consists of supportive therapy in the form of bed rest, which provide only symptomatic relief to the patient and in most cases has no influence on the disease process.

Natural products, either singles or in combinations are proving successful day by day and it is almost agreed that the best line of treatment is with the various plant drug combinations.

Livocure, is a herbal formulation (table 1 for composition) incorporating standardized extracts of proven hepato-protective of natural (herbal) origin, having anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antifibrotic, immuno-modulatory and anti-viral actions, complimentary to its hepatoprotective effects.


1. Hepatoprotective effect of livocure in acute liver damage- an experimental study/S V Deshpande.
2. Abhyantara Vimargagamana of constituents with respect to Yakruta & its management/Vaidya Ranjeet G. Nimbalkar.
3. Evaluation of hepatoprotective actions of Abhrak Bhasma in Albino rats against hepatitis induced by the single dose of CCI4/Savita Buwa.
4. Kumari Kalpa Ghansar tablets research with microscopic high resolution blood morphology test (Peripheral live blood analysis) in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)/E B S Premdani.
5. International Ayurveda events.
6. Liver Cancer treatment as it stands today/C.B. Koppikar.
7. Chronic hepatitis B virus infection/Vinay K. Thorat.
8. Clinical interpretation of LFT with Ayurvedic point of view/M.D. Mali.
9. Introduction to Hepatitis C and its Ayurvedic management/Vaidya Dhananjay J Khajgiwale.
10. Hepatic disorders and imaging/Vilas A. Dole.
11. Clinical evalution of Phalatrikadi Kwath and arogyavardhini in early hepatic cirrhosis : a case report/Wachasundar Nachiket.
12. How to treat hepatitis with Ayurvedic methods/Dandekar Govind.
13. Standerdisation of certain Ayurvedic drugs used for Kamala/A. Saraswathy.
14. Analysis of some Siddha medicines used for Kamala/A. Saraswathy.
15. Effect of Tamra Kumari in liver disorder/Vaidya Nikhil Kortikar.
16. Prevention of liver disease/Deepak Amarapurkar.
17. Liver diseases & homoeopathy/Hari Gholap.
18. Awareness of Hepatotoxicity and protectivity/B.R. Lalitha.
19. Panchakarma approach to physio-pathological problems of hepatitis (Yakritdalyodar)/T. Srinivas Rao.
20. Clinical assessment of Shankhabhasma Vati (Rasashala) + Laghusutshekhar Vati & Indrayav Vati in Amoebic hepatitis/Vaidya P.C. Yawatkar.
21. Clinical aspects of liver disorders with reference to Jalodar/Ajit Joshi.
22. Copper associated childhood cirrhosis/Avinash Pradhan.
23. Effect of ‘Stimuliv’ in viral hepatitis/Mahesh Kagali.
24. Liver in Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)/Sanjay D. Deshmukh.
25. Treatment for liver disorders from eye of naturopathy/Sindhu Shiralkar.
26. Hepatitis induced ascites : a clinical study/Ashok G. Wali.
27. Role of Yakrit : Ayurvediya Vivechana/Darsha Tilay.
28. Yakrddalyudara -Samprapti & Chikitsa/Monica Vanarase.
29. Liver disorders and their Ayurvedic management/Vaidya Vilas Nanal.
30. Comparative efficay of five indigenous compound formulations in patients of acute viral hepatitis/S.V. Dange.
31. Effect of arogyavardhini-an indigenous compound preparation, on serum lipids in patients of acute viral hepatitis/S.V. Dange.
32. Role of liver in skin diseases/Milind Pendharkar.
33. A proposed hepato-immuno modulating drug regimen for hepatitis/M.V. Acharya.
34. Hepatic disorders and antioxidants : mechanistic aspects of oxidative injury and its prevention by Garlic (Allium sativum, Linn.) unsaturated oils/Navneet Kumar Gupta.
35. Liver dysfunction in fetus : hydrops fetalis/P.C. Nagnoor.
36. Horoscope and liver disorders/Shrikant Bhide.
37. Hepatic coma-Ayurvediya management/M.D. Sane.
38. Roll of Yakrita in Apasmara Chikitsa/V.S. Haldavnekar.
39. Herbal applications in the treatment of hepatic aspects in human life/G S Chandras.
40. The urgent for hepatitis B vaccination/S. Bhardwaj.
41. Vasadi Kashayam - my drug of choice in Kamala (hepatitis)/Atulchandra Thombre.
42. Clinical assessment of effect of Kamalant in "Kamala"/Manohar J. Karachiwala.
43. Health is a state which we create/Swami Joythirmayanand.
44. Importance of consideration of Yakrut in the treatment of Sandhi Vikaras/N.M. Pendse.
45. Alcoholic hepatitis/Shobhana J. Bhatia.
46. Various management of Rudhapath Kamala (obstructive jaundice)/Anant Dharmadhikari.
47. A clinical evaluation of an Ayurvedic herbomineral therapy in the management of 120 cases of viral hepatitis/Aashish S Phadke.