Herbal Indian Perfumes and Cosmetics

Herbal Indian Perfumes and Cosmetics

Product ID: 16315

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Author: Asha Ram
Publisher: Sri Satguru Publications
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 166
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170305543


From very early times mankind has been a genuine lover of perfumes of any sort which may make an agreeable appeal to his sense of smell. The pages of ancient literatures of almost all nationalities are full of references to the perfumes.

The perfumery industry is no new thing in India. Manufacture of perfumes attainted a high degree of excellence in the glorious days of India. It is indeed one of the most ancient and honorable of the Indian crafts, and even now India is famous for the special types of perfumes she produces.

The field open to the perfumers is vast and varied. Indians are as fond today as ever of the sweet perfumes. The appearance of synthetic substitutes has doubtless affected the trade in natural perfumes, as in the dye industry, but nevertheless a very considerable demand, which instead of decreasing shows sign of increasing exists for natural perfumes even in those palaces which may be regarded as the chief centers of synthetic perfumery trade.


Section One: Perfumery Industry

1. Possibilities of the Perfumery Industry

2. Classification of Perfumes

3. Perfumery Materials

4. Modes of Manipulation

5. Principles of Manufacture

Section Two: Essential Extracts

6. Floral Oils

7. Essential Oils

Section Three: Essences and Ottos

8. Preparation of Essences

9. Natural Essence

10. Artificial Essences

11. Preparation of Ottos

Section Four: Aromatic Waters

12. Rose and Keora Water

13. Toilet Water

Section Five: Hair Oil and Toilet Preparations

14. Scented Hair Oils

15. Taral Alta

16. Toilet Preparations

