Author: Mahendra Mittal
Igen B/
Translator(s): Igen B
Publisher: Manoj Publications
Year: 2005
Language: English
Pages: 144
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8181337867
Vishnu is the physical form of Abstract god Supreme. He is the provider of all. He is death for those who trouble his faithful against the norms of the creation. He takes incarnation to establish the rule of dharma.
According to Puranas Vishnu is destined for 10 incarnations. His incarnations of Rama and Krishna are the most famous. On these two incarnations is based entire Hindu culture.
Rama is Man Supreme. Krishna is Man Miracles. The sages say that the preachings of Krishna are most sublime. Rama is superior in character. So, one must act Rama and think Krishna.
The dialogue between Rama and Sage Vashishta is known as Yog Vashishta in book form, which makes an important dimension of spiritualism.
The dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna in the battle field became famous as Gita, the very soul of Hindu ideology.
One who is in perfect peace, sleeps on Sheshnaga bed, whose navel sprouts a lotus stem, who is protector and well wisher of gods, bears the universe, is infinite as space, whose complexion is like dark clouds, entire body is bathed in goodness, is the master of Laxmi, whose eyes are beautiful like lotus petals and who is attainable to true yogis at thought, to such Lord of the universe, Vishnu I pay my obeisance in total surrender.
Shree Vishnu
The Immortality Nectar
He Sea Churning
Divine Prized Emerge
Eravat and Kalkoot
Shiva Partakes the Poison
The Nectar Grail
Vishnu As Bewitching Mohini
The Gods-Demons War
Garuda and Lord Vishnu
Sheshanaga and Lord Vishnu
Lord Vishnu and Dhruva
Vishnu Devotee Prahalada
Vishnu Protects Prahalada
Hiranyakshipu’s Penance
Effort To corrupt Prahalada
Shukracharya Advises Prahalada
Vishnu’s Narasimha Avatar
Hiranyakshipu Torn Apart
The Vishnu Devotee Aitreya
Mother Faces Disgrace
God is Truth-Aitreya
Aitreya Becomes Sage
Who is the Greatest
Test For Brahma
Shiva on Test
In Vishnu’s Domain
Laxmi’s Ire
The Search for Laxmi
Vishnu Puts Sense in Narada
The Illusive Bride
A Monkey Face Narada
Narada’s Curse
Dumbha and Shankachoora
Shankachoora Marries Tulsi
Shiva-Shankhachoora Battle
Tulsi Outraged
Tulsi’s Curse
Vishnu Gets Sudarshan Chakra
Durvasa Drubbed
Ambrish Pardons Durvasa
Shiva Protected
Varah Avatar
Matasya Avatar
Vamanavatara Vishnu
Three Step Land
Prelude to Rama Incarnation
Birth of Rama
Tarka Felled
Ahalya Redeemed
Bow Broken
Parshuram-Laxmana Repartee
Rama Weds
Manthra Meddling
Kaikayee in Protest chamber
Rama Accepts Exile
Meeting Kevat
Reunion with Bharata
Ravana’s Sister-Shoorpnakha
Abduction of Sita
Jatayu-Ravana Clash
Jatayu Found
Shabri Visited
Hanumana Run Into
Union with Sugreeva
Sugreeva-Bali Duel
Bali Dies
Rama Reveals Himself
Laxmana Annoyed
Search for Sita
Encounter with Sursa
At Lanka Gate
Vibhishana Spotted
Hanumana in Ashoka Garden
Hanumana Shows Himself
Meghnada Captures
Hanumana Trial
Lanka on Fire
Bridge Over Sea
Vibhishana Kicked
Rama Shelters Vibhishana
Battle Starts-Laxmana Hurt
Hanumana Brings Sanjeevani
Kumbhakarna Dies
Meghnada Meets End
Ravna Slain
Fire Test For Sita
Back to Ayodhya
Rama-Bharata Union
Crowning of Rama
The Prophecy
Kansa Shows His Evil
The Eighth wonder
A Trip Through Miracles
The Baby Switch
Surprise For Kansa
The Baby is Krishna
Pootna Suckles to Buckle
Tornado Trinavarta toppled
Krishna’s Pranks and Miracles
Utterly Butterly Mischievious
Gokul to Vrindavana
Deadly demon dramas
Black Sheep thief
Fake Snake
As Ass As Demon
Fire Eating Krishna
Kalia becomes Ja-Lia
God of Rain Takes Bath
To Nanda Baba’s Rescue
Thief of Hearts
Shankachoora Shattered
Demonic Bull and Horse
Invitation From Kansa
In Mathura
Wrestlers Wrecked
Kansa Killed
Vasudeva and Devaki Freed
The education
Migration To Dwarika
Kalyavana’s Funeral
Krishna’s marriages
Jarasandha torn Apart
Shishupal Beheaded
Krishna saves Draupadi’s Honour
Surprise For Sudama
Mahabharata War
The Departure