Great Religious Teachers     (Colour Illustrations)

Great Religious Teachers (Colour Illustrations)

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Author: Mahendra Mittal
Igen B/
Translator(s): Igen B
Publisher: Manoj Publications
Year: 2005
Language: English
Pages: 144
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8181337921


The compassion for others makes one a great man. The books of the wisdom say that the tress bear fruit for others, the rivers carry water for others, similarly the great souls are born for the benefit of others and to redeem the mankind.

This book treasures the life stories of three such great souls who delivered the contemporary societies from social evils and the religious tyrannies to show each a new path that led to a new world of understanding, love and compassion.

Mahavira gave a wider meaning to non-violence. Gautam Buddha gave the message of love, peace and compassion. Guru Nanak Dev fought against religious exploitation of masses through rituals and blind faiths. He preached the equality of all human beings. They were true messiahs of the mankind.

A truly religious one is who does not commit any violence. The non-violence is the foundation of a real religion. No human likes pain and so do all creatures. One should be honestly considerate to everyone and all creatures.

One who is awaken is fearless. He has attained Boddhisatva. He knows that all his worries, pains and ambitions are immaterial. Remember, the truth is sublime and sweet. The truth can liberate you from all miseries.

Noble deeds be your Qaba, the truth be your messiah, God’s mercy be your prayer and His will be your string of beads. Then, says Nanak-Allah will protect you.


Bhagwan Mahavir - A Postle of Non-Violence - 24th Teerthankar of Jain Faith

The Divine Dream
Mahalaxmi Appears in Dream
The King-Queen confabulate
Astrologers Predict
Mahavira Arrives
The childhood of Mahavira
Test for Vardhman
The Popularity of Vardhman
Penance for Previous Birth
The Mother Promised
The Death of the Parents
Mahavir and cowherd
Angry Cowherd
The Height of Idiocy
The Madness
Mahavir Pardons
Mahavir’s Endurance
In Tapas Kulpati Ashram
Kulpati Rebukes
Angered Kulpati
In Asthik Village
Shoolmani Yaksha
The Gateway to Enlightenment
Third and Fourth Gates
The Shepherds Warn
Chandakaushik Reptile
The Reptile Yields
Amongst Tribals
Tribals Preached
The Hard Penance
Kaivalya Knowledge
Sangha Set Up
Who is Superior?
Goat Won’t Go to Heaven
Blindmen’s Elephant
Limitless Greed
Don’t Want It
Who is the True One?
Who is True Familyman?
Code For Inmates
Seven Addictions
Be Pious

Lord Buddha-The Messiah of Truth, Non-Violence, Compassion, Mercy and Brotherhood of Mankind

The Queen’s Dream
The Prophecy of Astrologers
Budha is Born
King Shuddhodhana’s Generosity
The Education of the Prince
Devdutta Hurts Swan
Devdutta’s Claim
The king’s Justice
Solitude of Siddhartha
Siddhartha Married
Rahul Born
The Woe of Old age
The sick One
The Funeral
Rahul’s Curiosity
Siddhartha Broods Again
Spiritual Exploration
Grief in The Palace
Meeting Emperor Bimbisar
Sujata’s Kheer
The Enlightenment
New Path
Opposition to Brahminism
Death is Inevitable
What is Worst?
Emperor Bimbisar
Anath Pindak
Serving The Sick
Salvation of Angulimal
The King and Angulimal
Shuddhodhana Visited
In Palace
Alms From Yashodhra
The Sermon
Devdutta Conspires
Buddha and Ajatshatru
The Rogue Elephant
Devduta Strikes
Buddha And Murderers
Ajatshatru Reformed
Devdutta Strikes Again
The Spiritual Knowledge
Women in Sanghas

Guru Nanak Dev- He Preached Faith in Truth, One God and Equality of All Humans

The Birth of Guru Nanak
Bringing Up Nanak
The Education
Thread Ceremony Opposed
Ritualism Condemned
Playmate Mardana
Hood Umbrella Over Nanak
Rai Bular’s Wish
Birds of Rama-Fields of Rama
Complaint Against Nanak
The Farmers Apologize
The True Bargain
Father Admonished
Geeta Recital by Nanak
Nanak Works in Store
The Honesty of Nanak
Back-Biters Lose face
The Cleric Bigots Conspire
Nanak Marries
All Your’s O Creator
Childhood Mates
Nanak And Mardana At Veyi River
Watery Grave For Nanak
He Saw Immortal One
The Family Unites
Plunder of Godown
Puzzled Nawab
Nanak Delinks From Godown
Know Thy God
Mad Nanak
Quazi and Nanak
Nanak in Mosque
Your own Private Business
Nanak is Famous
Son Born to Nanak
Nanak Advises Relatives
Eight Enemies of Nanak
Milk or Blood
Guru Nanak’s Prophecy
The Courage of Guru Nanak
Spell of Satguru Nirankar
Water to the Dead
Which Side Quaba
Encounter with Kodey Demon
Lehna Inherits Seat