The Power of Face Reading

The Power of Face Reading

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Author: Rose Rosetree
Publisher: New Age Books
Year: 2004
Language: English
Pages: 380
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8178221802


Beneath the surface you’ll find a depth of understanding about people and the meaning of face that doesn’t exists elsewhere in the literature.
-Narayan Singh Khalsa, PhD, author, What’s in a Face?

It’s like she’s known you forever but that’s crazy, because you just met. Still she has described you perfectly, and not just your surface traits.
-The Washington Post

She doesn’t immediately seek feedback on her accuracy. She sits back, confident that she’s at lest partly on target. When she does ask, it’s with a flat sense of curiosity, like someone peering out of a rain-splattered window to check on a storm’s progress.
-The Washington Times

All over America, singles are finding that face reading is far more reliable than computer dating. Rose Rosetree is the acknowledged expert and has evolved her own system from the ancient Chinese system of physiognomy.
-Daily Mail (U K)

How we communicate is just important as what we communicate. We need to fine tune what we say according to how the listener hears. Face Reading Secrets come in handy because you are made aware of personal style.
-Te Topeka Capital-Journal

America wants to know, what did Rose Rosetree say about your cheeks?
-ABC’s The View

Governor John Engler and Mayor Terry McKane were highly skeptical but both men said they found Rosetree’s readings uncannily true.
-Lansing State Journal

As Rose says, the Truth of what we are shows in our faces and each face, in its distinctive way, is perfectly beautiful.
-Style (Hong Kong)

Face reading performs a real deep service to people in terms of self acceptance. When how to look at your face and you understand what it means, you end up with a real appreciation of how you look.
-The Indianapolis Star

Rosetree’s goal is to demolish societal standards which separate so called good looks from bad. All facial features have meaning and value, she declares, regardless of their popularity or apparent lack of appeal.
-Aloha Magazine

I decided to send her a picture of myself, with the caveat that my wife would check her report for accuracy. She’s got your number, was my wife’s simple response.
-The Catholic Standard



Power Anyone?
Where Does Face Reading Come From?
How to See Like a Face Reader
Jaws and Chins
Problem Solving in Relationships
Sales Strategies
How Face Reading Can Help Your Career
Annotated Bibliography
Index I: Famous Faces
Index II: Face Data
Index III: Behavior