The Shrinking Universe

The Shrinking Universe

Product ID: 13601

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Author: Tapan Bhattacharya
Publisher: National Book Trust
Year: 1996
Language: English
Pages: 144
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8123717865


Today's buzz words in communication are computer, IT and Internet. But why do we need to communicate with each other? How do computers help in bringing us closer together? What is IT? What is the Internet, and why are we so excited about it?

Is this IT revolution equally welcome by everybody? Is our universe actually shrinking due to this revolution? These and similar queries are discussed and answered in this easy-reading book, which is written primarily for educated laypersons without having much scientific back-ground, but with a mind to explore.



No Man is an Island
Computer becomes Personal Really not Personal
hello, Are you There?
The Net
Welcome to Cyberworld
Global Village

