Author: Chandran Paul Martin
Editor(s): Chandran Paul Martin
Publisher: ISPCK
Year: 2003
Language: English
Pages: 167
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8172147341
We have been silent witnesses of evil deeds; we have been drenched by many storms; we have learnt the arts of equivocation and pretence; experience has made us suspicious of other and kept us from being truthful and open; intolerable conflicts have worn us down and even made us cynical.
Are we still of any use?
What we shall need is not geniuses or cynics or misanthropes, or clever tacticians, but plan, honest, straightforward men (and women).
Will our inward power of resistance be strong enough, and our honesty with ourselves s remorseless enough for us to find our way back to simplicity and straightforwardness?
This book is to make the reader aware of the stand that the Church has taken at every point in our nation’s history/her story. Every one needs to hear that the Church is taking a stand. This is not so much to elevate the standing of the Church per se, but to reinstate the failing faith of many conscientious and sincere Christians who are at the brink of despair at the way things in this country and the world are going.
Foreword-Rev Dr Ipe Joseph
Introduction-Rev. Chandran Paul Martin Mr Samuel Jesupatham
Christian Response to Ayodhya
Indian Churches Response to Nuclear Testing
BJP Government Wants Churches Struck off the List of Religious Places-Sacramental Wine Being the Cause
BJP Government Should not Interfere with the Christian Faith-Holy Communion is a Sacrament
The State of the Minorities today
Nuns Raped, Convent Looted In North India
Churches Attacked in Gujarat
Press Statement of the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) on the Prime Minister Mr A B Vajpayee’s visit to Dang District, South Gujarat
Australian Social Worker Graham Stewart Staines and Sons Murdered-Nation Left Speechless while BJP Looks at Political Conspiracy
Press Release on Graham Staines Murder
Press Release on Attacks on Minority Christian Community in India
Churches Meet to Review the National Situation
Dalits Massacred Again in Bihar-Will the Carnage Ever Stop?
Report of the Meeting of the Representatives of the National Council of Churches in India, Catholic Bishops' Conference of India and Evangelicals/Pentecostals
Press Release on Poverty Convention
Press Release on Ranalai Carnage
Press Release on the Kargil Conflict
XIII General elections-Vote Consciously
Adivasis of Narmada Valley Facing Unjust Submergence-The National Council of Churches in India Expresses Solidarity with the Satyagrahis
Religious Liberty and Human Rights
Stop Killing Minorities: Another Missionary Murdered-Has Wadhwa Commision's Exoneration of Fundamentalist Forces Emboldened the Culprits?
Wadhwa Commission Report-Response by the NCCI, its Member Churches and Associated Christian Missions and Churches in India
Nun's Dignity Violated Again
Women's Call for their Rightful Place in the New Millennium-Liberation of Humankind Intrinsically Linked with Women's Liberation- All India Congress of Women's Millennium Celebrations and Challenges (WMCC)
Memorandum Submitted to Hon'ble Prime Minister of India
Press Release on the Review of the Constitution of India
Resolution from NCCI Women's Pre-Assembly
Pre-Assembly Recommendations made by the Unit on Mission & Evangelism, NCCI
Message from the Assembly-National Council of Churches in India, XXIV Quadrennial Assembly
Towards Democracy I
Towards Democracy II
The Nagpur Statement of the Churches in India
The Land does not belong to us-We belong to the Land
Not only do we have a Church in India but also an Indian Church
Towards Democracy III
NCCI's Solidarity with the Victims of the Earthquake
National Debate on Conversion
Deal Registrar of India, Dalits and Tribals Belong to Other Religion as Well
New Millennium, New Challenges-Restoring Life in Abundance.
Study Institute on Human Sexuality
Churches Demand the Inclusion of Caste in the UN Conference on Racism Agenda
Meeting of NCCI and RSS
Churches Call for Fasting and Prayer for Peace and Harmony
NCCI Deeply Concerned About RSS Statement on Minorities
Stop Violence in Gujarat-Change Leadership if Necessary.
National Council of Churches in India Calls India and Pakistan to Restrain from War
Gujarat riots-Obituary of a Democracy!