Militant Monologues - Echoes from the Kashmir Valley

Militant Monologues - Echoes from the Kashmir Valley

Product ID: 13210

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Author: Pradeep Thakur
Publisher: Parity Paperbacks
Year: 2003
Language: English
Pages: 163
ISBN/UPC (if available): 818888801X


When boys slipped across the Line of Control to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir for arms training and took up Kalashnikovs, Asiya and her girls gave a call to all women in the Valley to support their brothers in jehad against India. She exhorted women to earn a livelihood for their families as the men had to go underground, although it is not written in the Quran that a woman has to take responsibility for earning a living-it is a man's domain. Her organisation Dukhtaran-e-Millat jumped into the freedom movement and supported jehadis with all possible assistance, saying they were equal partners with mujahideen in the fight against the Indian forces. She told her followers: We have to liberate our land from illegal occupation by India. In a matter of months, we will gain independence with the active support of Pakistan

A shepherd boy whose album of ghazals sold a hundred thousand copies, but whose family felt he had disgraced them. The girl who wanted to got o Dalhousie for her Master's degree but was denied the freedom of choice. The collie's son who was so passionate about education that he topped exams while studying from borrowed books, but had to give up studies due to his father's untimely death. The pilot who could not get employment in his own country.

Did they take to militancy due to frustrated ambitions? Was it to appear heroic in the eyes of the community? This book gives the reader a chance to understand the human compulsions behind those who traversed the path to jehad.



Daughter of the Faith
Guerilla Man
Martyr of Counter-Insurgency
Artful Dodger
High-Flying Jehadi
Frontline Fighter
Robin Hood-Turned Mla
Master Plotter
Prisoner of Conscience
Forever Hawkish


