Author: Mohammad Uzair
Publisher: Kitab Bhavan
Year: 2000
Language: English
Pages: 222
ISBN/UPC (if available): 817151314X
This book was well received and was translated in various languages. However, no second printing of the original English edition was done. Since the detailed manuscript of the proposed book could not be published. Some Arabic journals translated these articles into Arabic and published the same. A certain publishing house in Kuwait even published a booklet in Arabic, reproducing chapter eighth, or to be more exact, the eighth installment of articles published in the Voice of Islam.
This is the background as well as an apology for bringing out this book. The old articles have been included simply for their historical value, although these would seem to be rather elementary in the context of present-day economics. On the whole the present volume attempts to make available to the interested people the background work that has been already done. This can be taken as a starting point and an indication as to how much more remains to be done.
Now, a few words about the plan of the book. First of all there is a brief chapter of Introduction, discussing the frame-work of Islamic economics and the position of Capital therein. Then comes the article Some Conceptual and Operational Aspects of Interest-fee Banking read at the First International Islamic Economics Conference held at Mecca in 1976. After this there are two chapters on Central Banking and Strategy for practical introduction of interest-free banking. These titles are covered in part one of this book. Part Two contains the nine installments published in Voice of Islam magazine. At the end we have the booklet: An Outline of Interest less Banking, being the first attempt by any student of Economics on this subject.
Introduction: Position of Capital in Islamic Economics
Some Conceptual and Operational Aspects of Interest-free Banking
Central Banking in an Interest-free Banking System
Strategy for Introduction of Interest-free Banking
Functions of a Modern Bank
Why Interest less Banking?
Interest less Banking: The Alternative
Principles of Interest less Financing
Principles of Interest less Financing Applied to Banking
Structure of Interest less Commercial Banking (I)
Structure of Interest less Commercial Banking (II)
Will It Be a Success?
Foreign Transactions in an Interest less Economy
An Outline of Interest less Banking