Author: A Compilation
Translator(s): Prof. Mohammed Rahimuddin
Publisher: Kitab Bhavan
Year: 2003
Language: English
Pages: 450
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8171510973
Compiled during the reign of Mansure, the second Abbasid Caliph, Muwatta of Imam Malik is regarded as the most authentic book on Hadith. Imam Malik passed his entire life in madinah and therefore, had direct access to the most reliable authorities on Hadith because most of the leading Companions and their Successors lived and died there and narrated traditions. The Muwatta is based on the traditions narrated by them and the juristic verdicts given by them, and thus it deals only with such Hadith as have a bearing on juristic verdicts.
The translator is a well-known scholar. He has done full justice to the work undertaken by him. He has provided exhaustive explanatory footnotes wherever necessary.
The Muwatta of Imam Malik, compiled during the early Abbasid period, is regarded by some scholars, including Shah Waliyullah, as the most authentic book on Hadith. The juristic verdicts in Muwatta” reflect the practice of the Medinese and the consensus of the Medinese scholars.
This translation of Muwatta is his last contribution. He had revised but a little portion of it when he was summoned by Almighty Allah, may Allah rest him in peace!
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