Learn Hindi in 30 Days Through English  (ENGLISH+HINDI)

Learn Hindi in 30 Days Through English (ENGLISH+HINDI)

Product ID: 12138

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Author: Krishna Gopal Vikal
Amitabh Dhingra/
Editor(s): Krishna Gopal Vikal /Amitabh Dhingra
Publisher: Diamond
Year: 2008
Language: multilingual
Pages: 183/236
ISBN/UPC (if available): 81-288-1125-8


To learn a new language is to re-enter this wonderful experience of life, opening infinite opportunities for creative action. A new language is an essential tool of life. This book primarily attempts to introduce those whose mother tongue is not Hindi to learning of Hindi by the most natural and the simplest methods. It adopts the scientific approach, introducing alphabet, words, sentences in that order and application of these in the most common situations of daily life.

Situational sentences and conversational sentences selected for the book, reflect the maximum possible commonness of Indian languages and Indian culture. The purpose is that the learner during the process of learning should be sufficiently equipped to converse and transact with a very vast section of Hindi speaking people though India and abroad.

The book can also be helpful to foreigners who are on visit to India as tourists, scholars, diplomats and businessmen as it would enable them to move about in different parts of the country transcending the language barriers.