Osho on Zen - Take it Easy

Osho on Zen - Take it Easy

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Author: Osho
Editor(s): Ma Ananda Vandana / Swami Amano Surdham
Publisher: Fusion Books
Year: 2011
Language: English
Pages: 206
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8171825001


In this collection of his discourses on Zen Buddhism, Osho says that he has called this series of talks 'Take it Easy' because it isn't easy. It is difficult to take it, very difficult to take it. It is almost impossible to take, because it will shatter your whole life pattern.

This is the book for the spiritual seeker who's read everything and yet somehow survived. This one you wont survive - that is, if you can read it. For the contents of this book are such that if you can keep your attention in focus for more than a few seconds at a time, then plunging into these pages you may well be entering the last literary investigation of your starry spiritual career - And where you had once was, there might well be inscribed something like: "Took it Easy".

It is strange that such a shattering shock of a volume should simultaneously offer such solace to the seeker. It seems to contain something for everybody in all the moods, phases and stages of this crazy game we are caught up in playing: spiritual rounders.

It is a practical players' handbook. Each chapter has some key, clue or word of comfort and encouragement, with many a handy hint and guideline of what to expect as you hang in there in the playing fields of inner chaos.



Breaking Through the Bottom
And the Twain Are Always Meeting
Simply Stoned on Freedom
The Bodhisattvas' Merciful Vow
Waiting for a Sweet One
In the House of the Moon
The Real Israel

About Osho