Rupa Ekanki Omnibus - I

Rupa Ekanki Omnibus - I

Product ID: 11589

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Author: Chandrashekhar Patil
H S Shivaprakash/
Publisher: Rupa
Year: 2003
Language: English
Pages: 164
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8129100924


The Rupa Ekanki Omnibus promises to be a feast for lovers of drama, bringing to the reader the works of well-known Indian playwrights, in English translation. These plays stand testimony to the richness and depth of our regional literature.

Rupa Ekanki Omnibus I contains the following plays-

Father and Umbrellas by Chandrashekhar Patil
and Madhavi and The Bride by H S Shivaprakash.