Imagine There's No Country - Poverty, Inequality, and Growth in the Era of Globalization

Imagine There's No Country - Poverty, Inequality, and Growth in the Era of Globalization

Product ID: 11030

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Author: Surjit S Bhalla
Publisher: Penguin
Year: 2003
Language: English
Pages: 248
ISBN/UPC (if available): 0143029738


The new era of globalization brought about a world without boundaries. It resulted in significant decline in costs of transportation and broke down trade and cultural barriers among countries. However, the new order also raised several questions in its wake.

Surjit S Bhalla addresses these questions head on in his book. Has globalization made the world grow faster? Has poverty declined at a faster pace during globalization? If yes, why? If not, is it because the growth rate was lower, or because inequality worsened, or both? Who has gained from globalization? Is it the elite in both the developed and developing world? What about the middle class? Who are they? How have they benefited from (or lost to) the forces of globalization?

This comprehensive study firmly debunks several popular myths such as the belief that globalization has resulted in lower overall growth rates for poor countries, increasing world inequality, and stagnating poverty levels. Through rigorous, integrated methodologies and an enhanced dataset, the author answers some of the most pressing policy issues confronting us today.




Received Wisdom on Poverty, Inequality, and Growth

Overview: New Results on Poverty, Inequality, and Growth In the Era of Globalization

The Pattern of Economic Growth, 1950-2000

Inequality as We Know It

Poverty as We Are Told It Is

Discussion of Knowledge on Poverty, Inequality, and Growth and Analysis of Data and Methodologies

Taking Stock of the Facts

Recounting Poor People

Surveys and National Accounts: Can a Choice Be Made?

Other Methodological Considerations

New Results on Poverty, Inequality, and Growth, Based on Simple
Accounting Procedure Methods

Poverty as It is- and Forecasts for 2015

Reinventing the Kuznets Curve: Propoor Growth

Inequality as it is

Globalization : A Second Look

Conclusion: Roads Not Taken

Appendix A The Simple Accounting Procedure Dataset

Appendix B Estimation of the Lorenz Curve, and Its Accuracy

Appendix C Basic Data for the Simple Accounting Procedure



