Author: Ravi Prakash Arya
Editor: Ravi Prakash Arya, K L Joshi
Publisher: Parimal Publications
Year: 2001
Language: multilingual
Pages: 2413
ISBN/UPC (if available): n/a
This edition of ‘Rgveda’ with English version of Wilson's translation has been updated and revised to make it more reader-friendly with following improvements and features.
The old-English usage of Wilson’s translation has been updated and revised. With the
revised usage, translation may be easily understood even by a lay scholar. For instance, old English pronominal forms like thee, thou, thy, thine etc. Have been substituted with thecorresponding terms of modern English. The old English usage of verbal forms has also been supplanted with the corresponding usage of modern English.
The English translation of Wilson doesn’t provide the Sanskrit usage used in Romanized Style with appropriate Diacritical Marks. This creates lot of difficulty and confusion for readers of English to correctly understand and pronounce the Sanskrit words. Keeping in view the same problem, in the present edition the Sanskrit words have been written along with appropriate Diacritical Marks.
The editor has enhanced the value of present edition with his valuable remarks and notes given under footnotes regarding the translation and the other ancient works followed by Wilson without referring to the actual sources in course of his translation.
Last but not the least important features of this edition is that it contains volume-wise index of Geodic Mantras. With this edition in hand, the readers and researchers will be able to refer to the original source in case of doubt or any critical or comparative study they would like to make.
Thus all efforts have been made to make the present edition lucid, attractive and up-to-date.