Author: Kishore Thukral
Publisher: Ravi Dayal
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 358
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8175300450
The Megalopolis of U Belly, bounded by the mighty Scalps and the daunting forest of No-Know, provides the setting for this satirical novel - a chronicle of events, intrigue and upheaval. The times are contemporary, the political philosophies and systems recognizable, their outcomes destined.
The enormous city of U Belly bristled with street dogs, stray cows and mosquitoes, but its inhabitants were nevertheless a contented people. Governed by a city Council of five Wise Men, or Elders (or whom, the Eldest has been on his death-bed for thirty years), and cordoned off from the rest of the world, U Bellians had nothing to complain about, and everything they could dream of: food, work, houses, schools, hospitals, roads, parks, certitudes.
Only the Chronicler’s Daughter, who was slim and not rotund like other U Bellians, questioned acknowledged wisdom. To her, her fellow citizens’ contentment was mere complacency, and the Elders’ benevolence a ploy to retain power and privilege. Her dissent incensed the Wise Men who, suspending all intra-Council political machinations, bore down on her as one and pronounced their sentences – five annual Banishments.
In between these yearly deportations, however, the Chronicler’s Daughter discovered allies, including the master-strategist Vet and her metamorphosed father, the Chronicler. The result: a swell in popular support and inevitably, Revolution. A New Order takes over, and a jubilant citizenry installs the Chronicler’s Daughter as Chief Administrator. Also inevitably, the only super-power in the world, the Banded States of Monimayniya (BSM) sends its representations to U Belly with offers of aid.
Bewitched by the glamour of the BSM as much as by the charm of its irresistible President, U Belly opens itself up to external influence. The New Order soon becomes corrupted and tyrannical, and the now sage-like Chronicler is once more in the vanguard of opposition – but now against his Daughter.
The megalopolis of U Belly, bounded by the mighty scalp and the daunting forest of No-know, provides the setting for this satirical novel – a chronicle of events, intrigue and upheaval. The times are contemporary, the political philosophies and systems recognizable, their outcomes destined.
A Small Introduction
When the Earth Shook, Faith Shook
History Revisited
A Worried Father
A Close Shave
Love and Politics
The Chronicler’s Agony Continues
Knowing No-know
Inside No-know and Out Again
On the Horn of a Dilemma
Everything’s Fair in Love and War, Both Sides
Operation Topsy
The Battle Intensifies
The Battle Spills into No-know
When Mat and Kat are Let Out of the Bag
The Debate
Blood flows Thick, Sometimes
The Fall of the Bastion
A New Chapter
Celebration . . . and Congratulations
The End of the Beginning
The End of Another Beginning
The Monimayniyacs are Coming
Another Visitation
He Came, He Saw. . .
Strange Happenings
The Seduction
Fruits of Friendship
Dissent and Support
The Rally
The Final Declaration