This India

This India

Product ID: 8848

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Author: Sheila Dhar
Publisher: Publications Division
Year: 1999
Language: English
Pages: 191
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8123005644


The Present volume is a reprint rather than a revised edition. At the same time, there are minor factual changes relating to population and development which will be helpful to the child who is reading the book today, more than twenty years after it first appeared.

This book was published to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Indian Republic. Communication with the young readers is achieved through visual materials familiar to the Indian eye. The main thrust of the content is Indian culture and the Indian way of life. Traditional motifs from classical, tribal, folk and modern art are used to explain these to the child. As such the original design and format of the pages is an integral part of the author’s intention.


A Matter of Belonging

Sharing the Homeland

What is Indian-Ness?

The Best Time to be Young

A Hundred Years Ago

How we Won Freedom

A House of our own

The way Finder

Our Kind of Plan

Where the People are King

The Importance of Wanting Things

The Head of the Family

Time-Table for Five Years

Living on the Lnd

Agriculture Means A Hundre Things

The Battle Plan

"To Wipe every tear from every eye"

Then and Now

The Village that Stood First

Is Anything Changing?

Becoming a New Person

What is wrong with us

The Meaning of a Problem

Painting Magic

Colouring the World

About This book