Author: Sebasti L Raj
Publisher: Indian Social Institute
Year: 1998
Language: English
Pages: 216
ISBN/UPC (if available): N/A
This volume brings out some useful reflections on the status and nature of some of the contemporary social, movements in India. Issues and analysis presented in this volume are varied in nature, with emphasis differing from author to author.
The increasing chasm between the limits of the developmental process and the aspirations of the people, particularly the marginalized sections of society, has fuelled several social movements. Today, there is a concerted search for an alternative and an urge among the marginalized sections of society to fight for their rights. How far have the contemporary social movements in India, which are the vectors of social change, truly outgrown the existing framework of bourgeois thought? How much have these struggles contributed to fresh insights? Do these offer any new conceptual instruments to inspire innovative designs and models for social change?
These are relevant and vital questions which this volume has tried to answer. It brings out some useful reflections on the status and nature of some of these contemporary social movements in India.
Though the issues and analysis presented in this volume are varied in nature, with emphasis differing from author to author, there is a common trend which ties them together, namely, all of them are concerned about the deprived sections of Indian society and their aspirations and the struggles for their rights and sometimes for their very survival.
This volume will inspire and encourage the marginalized to realize their potentials. Moreover, voluntary organizations that are working for the liberation of these millions will get some useful insights from these millions will get some useful insights from these articles to carry on their work of empowering the masses more effectively.
Identities for Collective Action: Class, Nation, Ethnicity and Gender
Reconstructing the Theory of Social Movements
Formulations and Propositions on Collective Action: The Gorkhal and Movement
The Religious Aspect of Natural Resource Conflicts in Jharkhand
Whither Jharkhand?
Orissa's Tribal People: Politics of Disentitlement
Women at Work: The Responses of SEWA, SEWU and ILO
Women's Movement in Haryana: Problems and Challenges
Women and the Anti-Liquor Movement of Uttarkhand
Social Movements among Dalits: The Dream of a New World Order
Peasant Movements: Their Relevance for Public Policy and Action
The Silent Valley Movement
"Chickens", "Greens" and "Ragi Balls": A Discourse of Kentucky Fried Chickens