Author: Gurnam Kaur
Publisher: Punjabi University
Year: 2001
Language: English
Pages: 138
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8173807035
Dedicated to the concluding year of the Tercentenary Year of the Birth of the Khalsa, this book is a collection of papers presented to the International Seminar on "The Futuristic Vision of Sikhism".
14 papers included in this volume are from renowned scholars on Sikhism from India and abroad.
A brief description on the Department of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Studies:
This Department is one of the principal research departments which is concerned with the religio-cultural heritage of this area. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the primary scripture of Sikhism. Sikhism is a reveled religion and very young in the history of world religions. It was founded in the land of Punjab by Guru Nanak Dev (1469-1539) and was completed by the last and tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji (1666 AD to 1708) with the creation of the Khalsa on Vaisakhi of 1699 which brought forward the new dimension in the line of Shabad Guru.
The main aim and function of the Department of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Studies is to study and do research in Sikhism and the scripture from difference perspectives to produce the source material for the scholars as well as the students working in the field of Sikh studies. This is the only full-fledged research department of its kind in /India, though there are chairs related to Sikh Studies in different universities in India and abroad.
The department has a very wider scope as there is not a single aspect of human life which is not dealt with in Sikh scripture such as spiritual, metaphysical, sociological, psychological, ethical, philosophical, aesthetic, and political and so on. Sikhism is a whole life and social religion and deals with the day to day existential problems of man so far the department has produced a lot of source material through research and seminars.
Khalsa: Its Role in the 21st Century by Sri Singh Sahib Yogi
Futuristic Vision of Sikhism by Harbhajan Singh Khalsa and Prithipal Singh Kapur
The Khalsa in the Sikh Tradition by J S Grewal
A Post-Modernist Perspective: Futuristic Vision of Sikhism by Jasbir Singh Ahluwalia
Adi Granth and Ernest Trumpp: Critique and Translation by Tejwant Singh Gill
The Khalsa in Modern Politics by Surain Singh Dhanoa
A Discussion on the Concepts of Sach and Sach-Achar in Sikhism: Muthu Mohan
Concept of Akal Purakh: Man's Relationship with God by Narinder Singh Ottawa
Sat Shri Akal: Spirituo-Temporal Perspective of Sikhism by B S Kumar
The Khalsa and World Sodalities: An Abstract by Noel Q King
The Concepts of Logos and Shabad: A Comparison by Own Cole
Presidential Address by Gurcharan Singh Tohra
Raj Karega Khalsa by Amarjit Singh Grewal
Resume of Discussion on these papers