Author: Sarngadhara
Translator(s): K R Srikanta Murthy
Publisher: Chaukhambha Orientalia
Year: 2003
Language: multilingual
Pages: 335
ISBN/UPC (if available): N/A
The Samhita is designed to serve as a practitioner’s hand book as the author himself states. Written in simple and easy language the book consists of 32 chapters with 2600 verses in all; the first section with 7 chapters and 585 verses, the second with 12 chapter and 1261 verses and the third section with 13 chapters and 682 verses.
Ancient treatises of Ayurveda have been broadly classified into two groups viz. the Brihat trayee (greater triad) and the Laghu trayee (lesser triad); Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Sangraha are the Brihat trayee while Madhya Nidana, Sharngadhara Samhita and Bhavaprakasha are the Laghu trayee. Brihat trayee are great in respect of their authors, antiquity and originality. Laghu trayee are the works of later authors and are, more or less, compilations without much originality. But in view of their containing the quintessence of the Brihat trayee in easy diction, the Laghu trayee are also being studied by students and practioners of Ayurveda since long in our country. Shrngadhara Samhita, the second of this category is a very popular treatise.
PRATHAMA KHANDA (First section) has one chapter each for Paribhasha (weights and measure), Bhaishajyakhyana (time for medicine, collection of drugs, seasonal effects, etc.) Nadiparikshadi Vidhi (examination of pulse and other methods of diagnosis of diseases), Deepanapachanadi (definition of pharmacological terms), Kaladikakhyna (anatomy and physiology), Aharadi Vidhi (digestion of food, human constitution, etc.) and Roga ganana (enumeration of diseases).
MADHYAMA KHANDA (Second section) described the composition, method of preparation and uses of different kinds of recipes. It has one chapter each for Swarasa (fresh Juice), Quatha (decoctions), Phanta (infusions), Hima (cold infusions), Kalka (wet pill), Choorna (powders), Gutika (pills) Avaleha (confections), Sneha (oils and ghee), Sandhana (fermented liquids), Dhatushuddhi (purification of minerals and metals) and Rasa Oushadha (mercurial recipes).
UTTRA KHANDA- The third and last section explains the different kind of treatment in separate chapters viz. Sneha (oleation), Sweda (sudation), Vamana (emesis), Virechna (purgation), Sneha basti (oil enema), Nirooha basti (decoction enema), Uttara basti (vaginal and vesical douches), Nasya (nasal medications), Dhoomapana (inhalation of vapour of smoke), Gandoosha (mouth gargles), Lepa (topical applications), Shonita Visruti (blood letting) and Netra prasadana (eye salves, collyriums, etc.)
Sharngadhara Samhita has been translated into almost all major Indian languages by many scholars, but not into English or other European languages so far. The present attempt is the first in this direction.
Paribhasa (Definitions, Weights and Measures etc.)
Bhaisajya Vyakhyana (Principles of Pharmacy)
Nadi Pariksadi Vidhi (Examination of Pulse etc.)
Dipanapachanadi Kathanam (Pharmacological Definitions)
Kaladikakhyana - Shariram (Anatomy and Physiology)
Aharadigati Kathanam (Digestion and Metabolism)
Rogaganana (Enumeration of diseases)
Swarasa Adhyaya (Fresh Juices)
Quatha Kalpana (Decoctions, Infusions etc.)
Phanta Kalpana (Infusions)
Hima Kalpana (Cold Infusions)
Kalka Kalpana (Wet Pills or Bolus)
Churna Kapana (Pulvis, Powders)
Gutika Kalpana (Pills)
Avaleha Kalpana (Confections)
Sneha Kalpana (Medicated Ghee and Oils)
Sandhana Kalpana (Galenicals, Fermented liquieds)
Dhatu Shodhana-marana Kalpana (Purification and Killing of Minerals and Metals)
Rasadi Shodhana-marana Kalpana (Purification and Preparation of Mercurials)
Sneha Adhyaya (Oleation Therapy)
Sweda Vidhi (Sudation Therapy)
Vamana Vidhi (Emesis Therapy)
Virechana Vidhi (Purgation Therapy)
Basti Vidhi (Enemata-oil enema Therapy)
Niroha Basti Vidhi (Decoction Enemata)
Uttara Basti Vidhi (Uretheral and Vaginal douches)
Nasya Vidhi (Nasal Medication)
Dhumapana Vidhi (Inhalations, Fumigations Therapy)
Gandusa-Kavala Pratisarana Vidhi (Mouth gargles)
Lepa-Murdha Taila Karnapurana Vidhi (Topical Application, Oletation of head, ears etc.)
Shonitasrava Vidhi(Blood letting)
Netra Prasadana Karma (Therapies for the eyes)
Appendix I and II
Appendix. III