Political Order - The Vedic Perspective

Political Order - The Vedic Perspective

Product ID: 7790

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Author: Ramashray Roy
Publisher: Indian Institute of Advanced Study
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 345
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8179860299


This book is an attempt to initiate the process of probing deeply into the complex structure of the Vedic ideas with a view to presenting a correct perspective on political order from the Vedic point of view.

India with a very ancient background of Vedic as well as non-Vedic traditions has pleaded for a political order whose central sustaining idea has been the concept of dharma in its ultimate all-engrossing metaphor of integration. The Vedic concept of man, society and nature as divine has been responsible for the development of the idea of social order subsuming the political order as the central integrating force for unity, stability and development in an integrated manner.

How far this ancient ideology would be applicable to modern system of political order is a matter of research.




Vedic Vision and Political Order

The Meaning of Political Order

The State Within Us

A Look Back

Reconstructing the Vedic Vision

Classical Indian Political Perspective

The Finite and the Absolute

Man, Cosmos and the Political Order

State, As Surrogate of Order

The Philosopher and the King

Dharma, Society and Political Order

