Sociological Theory

Sociological Theory

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Author: Kiran Kumar Thaplyal
Bert N Adams/R A Sydie
Publisher: Sage Publications
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 000
ISBN/UPC (if available): 817829219X


With this book, students will no longer face the forest and trees problem; no longer will they become so immersed in the details of one theory after another as to be unable to compare or relate them.

There are many texts on sociological theory currently available. So why produce another, you might ask. What makes this text unique? How will the student reader benefit from it, especially students new to sociological theory ?

A central goal of this text then is to be as concise as possible while also doing justice to more than 40 thinkers.

The organization of the book too has kept the student in mind. First, in divides thinkers into those who wrote in the pre-and post-1930 period. Second, it traces eight major schools of thought as they appear and re-appear from chapter to chapter. Third, there is a consistent organizational scheme within the chapters. Finally, students are helped to recognize connections across social theorizes through additional key themes beyond those included in the chapter headings.

In addition to the content, organization and thematic innovations, this book has several other learning and teaching features-a timeline that gives each theorist's life span, the chapter in which she or he appears in the book, and other important world events occurring during that time. Each section carries a short introduction, and key terms are boldfaced in the text for easy cross-referencing.

No student of sociology and its related fields can ignore this book.


The strengths of this text are the breadth of theories covered; the integration of gender-related topics-family, work, religion; the use of substantial quotes from primary tests; the consistent inclusion of methodological issues… I have no doubt that it will find a solid position in the field of theory text.
-Kathleen Slobin, North Dakota State University