Godan - Deluxe Edition

Godan - Deluxe Edition

Product ID: 7142

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Author: Premchand
Publisher: Jaico
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 352
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8172242190


Godan, Premchand’s last completed novel is considered his best work. It is the most realistic interpretation of Indian village society, the backbone of India. It is a story of changing people, hungry and semi-starved, yet hopeful and optimistic, in the truest spirit of the age it represents.

Godan, a story of stark realism, is Premchand’s most outstanding novel. The realism, artistry and tenderness with which he has created the characters here, particularly that of Hori, are unparalleled an unsurpassed in the whole fiction of India. Hori is an immortal character symbolic of the peasantry of this country.

Nervous like a knife, he cuts clear through hypocrisy and falsehood in his lst novel Godan, so that this work throws up strongly contrasted characters seldom seen in any previous book of his, surpassing the chaos of the still feudal village with its courageous belief in future renewal.

The true and vivid picture of India.
- The Hindustan Standard

Probably the only great novel in Hindi.
-The Statesman

In this last novel of Premchand is present every personage that has lent its character to traditional rural India.

No Indian should miss this novel, which Premchand wrote with tears.

-The Nagpur Times

Premchand’s last masterpiece.
-The Hindu