Author: M H Syed
Publisher: Kalpaz Publications
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 734
ISBN/UPC (if available): 817835117X
Islam is perhaps the most misunderstood religion in the contemporary world. Thanks to half-backed works by folks, who have little knowledge about real Islam, the situation has deteriorated further.The objective of this study is to erase the myth and depict reality in an academic, empirical and convincing manner.
The motivation, behind the presentation of this work is , to project the real approach, teaching and philosophy of Islam, VIZ., militancy and violence. In fact, Islam provides no room for using violence or coercion as a weapon to gain unholy goals through unfair means. So, whatever is in vogue these days, in the name of criticism of Islam, as a militant faith or a doctrine of life, advocating terrorism is totally baseless, false and unethical.
The book, divided into two volumes, is the result of painstaking research and a thorough analysis, without any bias or prejudice.