Selected Stories

Selected Stories

Product ID: 4048

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Author: Manik Banddyopadhyay
Publisher: Thema
Year: 1988
Language: English
Pages: 236
ISBN/UPC (if available): 81-86017-01-1


India's first important Communist novelist offers in his stories a penetrating insight into the changing times that w the disintegration of colonial rule in India, in a setting of famine, communal riots and peasant uprisings.

With his uncompromising commitment o realism, he studies an urban middle class losing its older values in its struggle to survive, and rural masses driven by ruthless exploitation and derivation to virtual marginalisation and dehumanization.

While he never loses sight of he socio-economic pressures at work, he concentrates on how human relationships are affected and only too often distorted in the process and how rebellion grows.