An Elephant Called Malla Prasad

An Elephant Called Malla Prasad

Product ID: 3628

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Author: Ashok Singh
Publisher: Srishti
Year: 2000
Language: English
Pages: 196
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8187075589


This children book is the story of a bull elephant who is bought as a little calf by a local landlord who is lover of animals.

The story has a Behari background and revolves around the landlord's cowshed near which the elephant lives. The landlord has seventy cows, eight bulls, two horses and several camels who, all, except for the bulls, befriend the elephant. The cows call the bulls male chauvinist pigs and give them interesting names. They are headache, Neckache, Hoofache, Legache, Rumpache etc. The village quack proves that the camel's urine is divine and cures many diseases, so the villagers give them pharmaceutical names. They are Brufen, Glaxo, Cadilla and Ranbaxy. The two horse are the wise old residents of the cowshed.

Malla Prasad has his own problems. He lives in a land of ancient beliefs and superstition. Because of them, he is not allowed to go anywhere near a female elephant. He himself wants a wife, a spouse, and sometimes comes to heat and goes berserk. He loses most of his friends in a booth capturing mission during the assembly elections. He does not understand the violence the humans inflict on each other.