Mahatma Gandhi - The man who became one  with the universal being

Mahatma Gandhi - The man who became one with the universal being

Product ID: 3626

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Author: Romain Rolland
Publisher: Srishti
Year: 2000
Language: English
Pages: 141+
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8187075538


This book contains a frank and illuminating commentary on Gandhiji and his ideals by the eminent French philosopher.

Long before the world bestowed renown on Gandhiji for his political sagacity, Romain Rolland probed and made known to humanity the spiritual greatness of the man. The two understood each other fully and the great scholar from the West found and drew inspiration from the well-springs of that highly cultivated and dedicated soul.

While expressing his admiration for Gandhiji's ethical approach to religion and politics and his readiness to sacrifice everything for the sake of truth, Romain Rolland does not hesitate to quote literally from Tagore and Andrews, who criticized some of Gandhiji's political decisions. He also brings out how British policy forced Gandhiji to switch over from an attitude of loyal co-operation with Great Britain to that of non-violent non-co-operation.

As a great European and contemporary of the Mahatma, his views have a special value. The appraisal and assessment of Gandhiji's ideals of truth and non-violence and of the strategy of passive resistance against the mighty British Empire is of particular interest as it comes from a brilliant mind of the materialist-oriented West.

Readers will find the book of sustained interest throughout.