Indian Culture -  Its Timeless Appeal and Ageless Charm

Indian Culture - Its Timeless Appeal and Ageless Charm

Product ID: 32566

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Author: A Compilation
Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math
Year: 2012
Language: English
Pages: 238
ISBN/UPC (if available): 9770042298000


This special issue of the Vedanta Kesari attempts to put together many aspects of Indian culture. Of course, we have the scholarly and comprehensive eight volumes of the Cultural Heritage of India, published from the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata, and many other works of value and depth.

But what we have tried to do in this issue is what the popular Hindi proverb says, gagar main sagar — ‘putting ocean in a pitcher!’ How can a vast and diverse culture such as Indian culture be put in a slender volume as this! Yet there is a need which has to be met—considering the fast-paced life today’s generation his faced with. The fundamental ideas and ideals of Indian culture such as Upanishads, Yoga, meditation, and so on have been presented.

There are also articles on the influence of Indian culture on economics, architecture, tradition of dining and so on. We thank the contributors for their valuable writings. This issue also tries to provide snippets of Indian culture through short write ups under the column, Imprints of a Living Culture. Prepared at the Vedanta Kesari office with generous input from Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia, they are aimed at the young or time-starved readers who wish to get a bird’s eye-view of the Indian cultural traditions.

For the first time in the history of our monthly, we are bringing out the entire issue in multicolor. We are glad to dedicate this issue to Swami Vivekananda on his 150th birth Anniversary that is being celebrated across the world. May he, the embodiment of Indian culture, inspire us to understand India’s timeless culture and help us to hold on to its eternal values for eternity.


“Teach yourselves, teach everyone his/her real nature, call upon the sleeping soul and see how it awakes. Power will come, glory will come, goodness will come, purity will come, and everything that is excellent will come, when this sleeping soul is roused to self-conscious activity.”
= Swami Vivekananda



India’s Timeless Culture

1. Dharma, the Basis of Indian Culture— Swami Sakhyananda
2. The Meaning of Samskriti or Culture— Swami Harshananda
3. Swami Vivekananda—the True Ambassador of Indian Culture— Swami Gautamananda
4. Is Indian Culture Spiritual?— Swami Dayatmananda
5. Sri Ramakrishna—the Embodiment of India’s Eternal Culture— Swami Atmapriyananda
6. Indian Women—The Custodians of India’s Ageless Culture— Prema Nandakumar
7. Holy Mother: An Epitome of Indian Culture— V. V. Jayaraman
8. The Spiritual Basis of Indian Culture— Swami Brahmeshananda
9. Indian Cultural Values for the Youth— Swami Abhiramananda
10. Indian Culture and Indian Youth— Aravindan Neelkandan
11. Swami Vivekananda: The Bridge between Ancient and Modern Indian Culture— Krishnaraj Vanavaraya
12. What Indian Youth Need to Know About Indian Culture— M Pramod Kumar
13. The Sound of Yoga— Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani
14. Yoga-Vedanta Tradition of Meditation— Swami Nityasthananda
15. Sat Chit Ananda—The Philosophy of the Upanishads— Swami Sarvapriyananda
16. Bhakti in Indian Culture— Swami Lakshmidharananda
17. Origin of the Vedic Culture— NVC Swamy
18. Uniqueness of Indian Culture— K S Subramaniyam
19. What Man Wants —N Gokulmuthu
20. Connecting the Dots— Sheenu Srinivasan
21. Why Be Proud of Being an Indian?— Michel Danino
22. India’s Culture, Society and Economy — Its Past, Present and Future— S. Gurumurthy
23. Indian Culture: Beyond Curry, Caste and Cow— Sundari Krishnamurthy
24. Management Ideals and Indian Culture— Vijay Menon
25. Indian Cultural Values and Economic Development— P. Kanagasabapathi
26. ‘Do not Disrespect Food’— Probal Ray Choudhury
27. Core Aspects of Indian Culture— KS Viswanath

28. The Wonders of Indian Culture— Swami Vivekananda
29. The Need for Culture—Swami Ashokananda
30. New India and Old India—Swami Vivekananda
31. Indian Ideals and Western Perspectives—Swami Vivekananda
32. What They Say—Quotes from some Eminent Persons About Indian Culture

Imprints of a Living Culture
33. Namaste—the Indian Way of Greeting
34. Lighting the Lamp
35. Prasada—the Sanctified Food
36. Bhajan—the Tradition of Devotional Singing
37. India’s Folk Dance and Music
38. Indian Classical Music
39. Aarti—the Act of Waving of Lights
40. Classical Indian Dance
41. Chanting of Mantras—Invoking the Presence of Divine
42. The Indian Tradition of Sacred Body Marks
43. Sanskrit—the Language of Indian Culture
44. Aryabhata, the Great Indian Mathematician
45. Darshan—the Indian Idea of ‘Sacred Seeing’
46. Indian Languages—the Cradle of Indian Culture
47. India’s Traditional Clothing
48. Dara Shikoh— The Mughal Prince Who Translated the Upanishads into Persian
49. A Peep into Indian Dining
50. Shilpa Shastra
51. Ayurveda—‘the Science of Life’
52. The Tradition of Indian Culinary