Author: Francisco Joao da Costa
Translator(s)/ Editors(s): Alvaro Noroha da Costa
Publisher: Sahitya Akademi
Year: 2004
Language: English
Pages: 196
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8126019689
The characters of Jamb & Dulce and their Families were introduced to the public of Goa through the pages of the newspaper O Ultramar a series of sketches published in the 1890s under the title Notas a Lapis-Marginal Notes, the author employing the nom de guerre of Gip.
The sketches were compiled in to a Book and first published in 1986 as Jacob & Dulce. Gip used the scenes in the plot to criticise Goan Christian Society as well as the government of the day; no one was spared his caustic observations, Gip used a few place names that coincided with some in Margao, and it was assumed that the town of Breda was Margao itself and that the characters described belonged to well-known families of that town.
A second Edition came out in 1907 and there were 110 reprints until the third edition in 1974 which may have been due to coyness in exposing the past and the existing warts of Goan society as well as the erroneous Perception that the work was a direct attack on known Goan families. The English translation drafted in 1996 coincided unwittingly with the centenary of its first publication.
To the Reader
Jacob & Dulce
1. Preface to the First Edition
2. Letter to Gip
3. Preface to the Second Edition
4. A Goan Novel
5. Reply by Gip to Viscount de Taunay