Author: Several Contributors
Publisher: Sri Ramanasramam
Year: 2001
Language: English
Pages: 298
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8188018600
This book is a compilation of various articles written by the devotees of Sri Ramana Maharshi published in the Ashram Magazines, The Mountain Path and The Call Divine.
The greatness of Sri Ramana Maharshi has attracted many, many devotees from all over the world. The picture of the Ashram and of the great sage were permanently imprinted on their minds. Even a Photo of the Maharshi could root them to the spot and the mind would suddenly go blank. Such was and such is and such ever will be the Maharshi's influence upon those who approach with piety and devotion.
In the book the devotees speak of the Maharshi in awed tones and with overwhelming sensitivity and love. The reader is invited to participate in this spiritual feast.
In this collection of Articles, devotes like Viswanatha Swami. A.W. Chadwick, Cohen and others, who have spent their life time with Bhagavan Share their impressions and Experiences with the readers. This is what they say:
Unlike all the Saints, Sages and prophets, Sri Ramana Maharshi’s life and work tell quite a different tale and his way of serving mankind is in many ways unique and all his own.
--- Dr. Hafiz Syed
And how often did he not say: “You think I am the body, this corpse that I have to bear about. That is where you are wrong. I am universal.” You see, universal, even before he apparently left the body.
But in the old days he spoke, gave verbal instructions. Now that can happen no more. But to how few did he actually ever speak? How many thousands just came and sat before him silently and went away without a world. How many came with their minds bursting with questions and in his presence found all the questions self-answered? All this is still possible.
--- A.W. Chadwick
The Tyag (Renunciation) Which the Vedantic Scriptures so Much emphasise, and to which Yanjnavalkya in the Brihardaranyaka Upanishad referred as the sole gateway to immortality was so complete in him that it made him shine (with due respect to all other Teachers) As a giant among Teachers and Rishis, whose word and act. The Ideal and Actual in him, were literally identical.
--- S.S. Cohen
1. Reminiscences – I – Viswanatha Swami
iii. At the Feet of Bhagavan Ramana
iv. In the Proximity of Bhagavan
v. With the Two Great Poet-Disciples
vi. Two Great Men Meet Bhagavan
2. From Early Days
3. Scenes from Ramana’s Life – B.V. Narasimha Swami
4. How Bhagavan Came to Me
vii. Sadhu Trivenigiri Swami
viii. Y.N. Athavale
ix. Santhanam Iyengar
x. Santha Rangachary
xi. Anonymous
xii. T.R.A. Narayana
5. Incidents Connected with the Life of Sri Bhagavan – M.V. Krishnan
6. Lessons from Bhagavan’s Life – K.R.K. Murthy
7. Loving Devotion – T.P.R.
8. Memorable Days with the Sage of Arunachala
xiii. Swami Desikananda
xiv. Santi
9. Sri Bhagavan’s Replies to Questions
10. Remembering Ramana – Chagganlal Yogi
xv. Sri Ramana – The Destroyer of Miseries
xvi. Sri Ramana The Nameless
xvii. Sri Ramana’s Sense of Equality
xviii. Sri Ramana’s Sermon of Love
xix. Homage to Sri Ramana
xx. Ramana – An Embodiment of Silence
11. Reminiscences – II
xxi. Dr. Haribhai M. Adalja
xxii. K.R.K. Murthi
xxiii. S. Kannikeswarier
xxiv. S. Subramania Iyer
xxv. R. Narayana Iyer (Sub-Registrar)
xxvi. K. Arunachalam
xxvii. Panthalu Lakshmi Narayana Sastri
xxviii. B.N. Datar
xxix. Mrs. Merston
xxx. Sadhu Bramaniam
xxxi. Bharatananda
xxxii. Srimat Puragra Parampanthi
xxxiii. DR. T.N. Krishnaswamy
xxxiv. Swami Satyananda
12. Humour of Sri Bhagavan – Evelyn Kaselow
13. Conversations with Bhagavan
xxxv. Swami Madhava Thirtha
14. Dreams – A.W. Chadwick
15. Lest We forget
xxxvi. Natesan
xxxvii. K. Venkataraman
16. The Turning Point – Natanananda
17. Beyond Categories – “Sein”
18. Arunachala Ashtaka and Siddha Purusha – Dr M. Anantanarayana Rao
19. In to Bhagavan’s Fold – K. Padmanabhan
20. More than a Dream? – T.P.R.
21. Ramana As I Know Him
xxxviii. C. Rajagopalachari
xxxix. P.S. Jivanna Rao
xl. N. Ponniah
xli. Swami Sivananda, Rishikesh
xlii. Dr. M. Anantanarayana Rao
xliii. Swami Iswarananda
xliv. Dr T.M.P. Mahadevan
xlv. M.S. Madhava Rao
xlvi. DR. S.S. Sastry
22. Silent and Solid Grace – K.R.K. Murthy
23. Sri Ramana Maharshi
xlvii. N.N. Rajan
xlviii. Kundalmal A. Mahatani
xlix. Prof. D. Gurumurti
24. What is Life? – DR M. Anantanarayana Rao
25. With the Sage of the Holy Hill – Dilip Kumar Roy
26. Peace that Passeth All Understanding
l. Swami Prasannananda Guru
li. K.R.K. Murthy
27. Grapefruit – S.S. Cohen
28. Gospel of Sri Ramana – Swami Pragnananda
29. Liberation During Last Moments – Viswanatha Swami
30. The Grat Event – R. Narayana Iyer
31. A Dialogue – A.W. Chadwick
32. Bhagavan Sri Ramana – Mrs. Eleanor P. Noye
33. I Am ! I Am! I Am! – P.S. Jivanna Rao
34. Means and Ends – A.W. Chadwick
35. Portrait of the Guru – Atmananda Giri
36. Ramana Lives – A.W. Chadwick
37. Ramanashram Today – Arthur Osborne
38. Seekers and ‘Seekers – A.S. Cohen
39. The Maharshi of Arunachala – Sadhu Ekarasa
40. The Unfinished Game – Ratanlal Joshi
41. Bhagavan on Reincarnation
42. Effect of Maharshi’s Picture – A Polish Devotee
43. Ever-Present – Duncan Greenless