Author: Raviraj Russick Lal Gupta
Publisher: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan
Year: 2006
Language: English
Pages: 304
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8180900878
Translations of Ancient Hindu Medical books, have been unnumbered.
I myself have had the honour of translating some of the foremost of them. But they are not in touch with the real need of the people. Moreover those translated volumes are not within the means of every aspirant for Hindu medical lore.
It may be therefore safely hoped that this Hindu Practice of medicine will be appreciated by them yielding as it does-all the gems of the Hindu medical science in one vessel and that for a nominal price.
What is best in a Charaka, a Susruta, a Bhabaprakasa or a Baobhat has been thrown into this Hindu Practice of Medicine. It is indeed an epitome of add to its practical utility I have put in whatever I have found out by my practice which is tolerably long.
1. General Treatment of Fever
2. Treatment of Dysentry (Atisar)
3. Treatment of Diarrhoea (Grihini)
4. Treatment of Arsa, (Piles)
5. Treatment of Ajirna, (Indigestion) and, Dyepepsia, (Agni Mandya
6. Treatment of Bisuchika, (Cholera)
7. Treatment of Worms, (Krimi)
8. Treatment of Jaundice, (Pandu)
9. Treatment of Hemorrhagia, (Raktapitta)
10. Treatment of Phthisis Pulmonalis, (Consumption)
11. Treatment of Cough, (Kasa)
12. Treatment of Hiccup, (Hikka)
13. Treatment of Asthma, (Swasa)
14. Treatment Hoarseness, (Swarabheda)
15. Treatment of Chardi, or Vomiting
16. Treatment of Swooning, (Murcha)
17. Treatment of Burning of Body, (Daha)
18. Treatment of Burning of the Feet, (Pada-daha)
19. Treatment of Madness, (Unmada)
20. Treatment of Possessed Persons, or Devil-madness (Bhutonmada)
21. Treatment of Epilepsy, (Apasmara or Mrighi)
22. Treatment of Nervous Diseases, (Bata Byadha)
23. Treatment of Bata Rakta (A Kind of Leprosy)
24. Treatment of Diseases of the Extremities
25. Treatment of Acute Rheutimatism, (Ambat)
26. Treatment of Sul, Colic, (Gastro-periodyania)
27. Treatment of Parinam Sul
28. Treatment of Retention of Discharges, (Udabarta)
29. Treatment of Gulma, (Swellings in the Abdomen)
30. Treatment of Diseases of the Heart
31. Treatment of Strangury, (Mutrakricchra) and Suppression of Urine, (Mutraghata)
32. Treatment of Urinary Calculi, (Asmari)
33. Treatment of Morbid Secretion of Urine, (Prameha)
34. Treatment of Somaroga or (Bahumutra)
35. Treatment of Great Fatness, (Medah)
36. Treatment of Enlargement of the Abdomen (Udara)
37. Treatment of Swellings (Shotha)
38. Treatment of Shlipada, (Elephantiasis)
39. Treatment of Disease of the Male Organs of Generation
40. Treatment of Scrofulous Swellings, (Gandamala)
41. Treatment of Goitre, (Galaganda)
42. Treatment of Bhagandara, (Fistula-in-Ano)
43. Treatment of Sores on the Genital Organs, (Upadangsha)
44. Treatment of Leprosy (Kustha or Kuth)
45. Treatment of Urticaria (Silapita)
46. Treatment of Acidity of Stomach, Vomiting of Bile, (Amlapitta)
47. Treatment of Erysipelas, Carbuncle? (Bisharpa)
48. Treatment of Boils, Pustules, Erysipelas? (Bishphotaka)
49. Treatment of Small-pox, (Masurika)
50. Treatment of Diseases of the Mouth, (Mukharoga)
51. Treatment of Diseases of the Throat
52. Treatment of Diseases of the Ears, (Karnaroga)
53. Treatment of Diseases of the Nose
54. Treatment of Diseases of the Eyes, (Akkirogah)
55. Treatment of Diseases of the Head (Siraroga)
56. Treatment of Diseases of the Female Organs of Generation
57. Treatment of Diseases of Infants, (Balaroga)
58. Poisons and their Antidotes, (Panata)
59. Treatment of Dhajabhanga or Claiba, (Impotence)
60. Treatment of Gudabhrangsa, (Prolapsus Ani)
61. Treatment of Ahiputana, (Superficial Ulcer Round the Anus)
62. Treatment of Emaciation, (Karsa)
63. Treatment of Unhealthy (Costiveness) Discharges (Amaha)
64. Treatment of Women During Pregnancy and Labour
65. Treatment of the Infant
66. Means of Preventing Abortion
67. Scientific Catalogue of the Plants