The Mind of Ramana Maharshi and the path of Self-Knowledge

The Mind of Ramana Maharshi and the path of Self-Knowledge

Product ID: 26349

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Author: Arthur Osborne
Foreword/Introduction: S Radhakrishnan
Publisher: Jaico
Year: 2009
Language: English
Pages: 219
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8172242115


From the book

In writing this book I have tried to make the meaning clear without using more foreign words than necessary. However, every language contains words which have no direct equivalent in another, and every science, spiritual as well as physical, has technical terms which scarcely admit of translation. Therefore it was necessary to use a certain number of Sanskrit and other words. These have been explained in the text, but for easy reference and for an approximate idea of their pronunciation, a glossary has been added. Since it is intended to help the general reader in his understanding of the book, I have not given reader in his understanding of the book, I have not given simple dictionary definition but rather an idea of the sense in which a word is used and of the doctrinal implications it carries.

Sri Ramana Maharshi was born in 1879. In his seventeenth year he attained enlightenment through a remarkable experience as if undergoing death of the physical body while remaining in full consciousness. Following this transformation, he left his home and was drawn irresistibly to the sacred hill of Arunachala. In the ashram which was formed around him he taught the purest form of Advaita Vedanta (nonduality) through the supremely simple discipline of self-enquiry.


“He proved in his person that a consciousness transcending both the physical and mental plane was compatible with full use of the physical and mental faculties…Altogether the book give an attractive picture of this guru who belonged to the true line of India’s spiritual teachers.”
- The Times Literary Supplement



I. Early Years
II. Awakening
III. The Journey
IV. Seeming Tapas
V. The Question of Return
VI. Arunachala
VII. Non-Resistance
VIII. The Mother
IX. Advaita
X. Some Early Devotees
XI. Animals
XII. Sri Ramanashram
XIII. Life with Sri Bhagavan
XIV. Upadesa
XV. The Devotees
XVI. The Written Works
XVII. Mahasamadhi
XVIII. Continued Presence
