Author: S S Cohen
Publisher: Sri Ramanasramam
Year: 2012
Language: English
Pages: 201
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8188225223
Sulaiman Samuel Cohen was Jewish by race and Iraqi by origin. An accountant by profession, Cohen came to India in his early youth and settled down here for life. He worked in Bombay for a few years, then joined the Theosophical Society and lived at its headquarters in Adyar, Madras for five years.
During this time Cohen heard of Sri Ramana Maharshi, came to Sri Ramanasramam with the intention of staying fourteen days and stayed fourteen years, from 1936 until the Maharshi shed the body in 1950. he was one of the many staunch devotees who lived at Palakothu, a sadhu’s colony near the ashram.
Cohen was blessed to get an assurance from Bhagavan. After the house warming ceremony that he performed for the cottage he built at Palakothu, Cohen asked the Maharshi, “Bhagavan, You have given a home for my body, I now need your grace to grant the eternal home for my soul, for which I broke all my human ties and came.” Bhagavan stopped under the shade of a tree, gazed silently on the calm waters of the tank for a few seconds and replied, “Your firm conviction brought you here; where is the room for doubt?”
Cohen remained at Tiruvannamalai for some years after the Mahanirvana of the Maharshi. After a few years he retired to a quite life in Vellore. He died in May 1980 and his “samadhi’ is within the Ashram premises.
Cohen’s wide knowledge of Bhagavan’s teachings and steadfast devotion inspired him to write on his Master. His reminiscences are sublime and his elucidation of Bhagavan’s teachings is illuminating. His writings have inspired generations of devotees in their quest. His booklet Residual Reminiscences has also been included with this publication and will serve to bring the Maharshi closer to the reader’s heart.
"The whole universe is but a tiny ripple on the infinite ocean of Sat-chit-ananda Ramana. I meditate on Him, the Sublime Indweller of the Heart-cavity, transcending all thought."
- Sri Ramana Gita
Publisher’s Note
PART I - Retrospect
I. Arrival
II. Expectation
III. Vanaprastha – Forest or Ashram Life
IV. Yatra – Pilgrimage
V. Masters Influence
PART II – Talks
I. Light Dialogues:-
1. The Believer in the Impersonal
2. The Business Man
3. The Pendant
4. The Missionary
5. The Philosopher
6. The Scientist
7. The Sceptic
II. Life, Death, Rebirth and Suicide
III. Happiness and Misery in creation
IV. Karma
V. Free-Will, Unpremeditated Action
VI. Ego
VII. Danger of Philosophy
VIII. Surrender
IX. Maya
X. Guru
XI. Meditation
XII. Samadhi, Turiya, Nirvikalpa, Sahaja
XIII. Nirvana
XIV. Heart, Liberation
XV. The Jnani – The Awakened
PART III – Diary
Residual Reminiscences of Ramana
Residual Reminiscences of Ramana