Author: Brinda Bose
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak/Eminent Contributors
Translator(s)/ Editors(s): Nivedita Sen / Nikhil Yadav
Publisher: Pencraft International
Year: 2008
Language: English
Pages: 256
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8185753881
This volume examines the major works of Mahasweta Devi, recipient of the Sahitya Akademi Award and the Bharatiya Jnanpith Award. As a social activist who has consistently championed the cause of the tribal and other subaltern communities she has also received the Ramon Magsaysay Award and the padma Vibhushan.
The essays in this volume critique Mahasweta Devi’s literary representations of the exploitation of the marginal and dispossessed groups by the dominant caste and class hierarchies, aided and abetted by greedy government officials and political manipulators.
They also unfold how she essentializes the aesthetics of literature as a weapon against such multiple oppression, and inscribes the courage and resilience of several of her victim-protagonists in a crippling milieu. In larger perspective, the essays of situate Mahasweta Devi in appropriate spaces of Postcolonial Writing, Translation Studies and Women’s Writing and reaffirm her status as an icon of Third World Literature in the First World Academia.
Since critical readings, especially on her works in English translation, though ample, are scattered and piecemeal, this book-length study brings together several of the major critical interventions on her oeuvre.
Alaknanda Bagchi
Anjum Katyal
Brinda Bose
Gabrielle Collu
Gaytri Chakravorty Spivak
Jeenifer Wenzel
Minoli Salgado
Radha Chakravarty
Sujit Mukherjee
Tabish Khair
The Metamorphosis of Rudali
The Intimacy of A Translation: The case of Mahasweta Devi’s “Draupadi”
Douloti as a National Allegory
A Literary Representation of the Subaltern: Mahasweta Devi’s “Stanadayini”
Tribal Stories, Scribal Worlds: Mahasweta Devi and the Unreliable Translator
Grim Fairy Tales: Taking a Risk, Reading Imaginary Maps
Visionary Cartography: Imaginary Maps by Mahasets Devi
Conflicting Nationalisms: The Voice of the Subaltern in Mahasweta Devi’s Bashai Tudu
The Knowledge of Loss, the loss of Knowledge: Jhumpa Lahiri, Shashi Deshpande, Mahasweta Devi
Speaking with Mahasweta Devi: Mahasweta Devi Interviewed by Gabrielle Collu
Mahasweta Devi’s Writings: An Evaluations: Review of Operation? Bashai Tudu
Of Rape and Marginalization: Review of Outcast: Four Stories and The Book Of the Hunter
Colloquium on “Draupadi”