Author: Tarla Dalal
Publisher: Sanjay & Company
Year: 2008
Language: English
Pages: 94
ISBN/UPC (if available): 9788189491741
Millions of people worldwide live with the word "diabetes" disturbing their daily routines treating it with a dread undeserved for a health condition that merely requires a good understanding and relevant adjustments in lifestyle.
In general, a healthy lifestyle includes nutritious food, maintaining an ideal weight and being physically active. Not surprisingly, healthy eating is an important part of managing diabetes too. Unfortunately, most people translate this to mean abstinence from all their favorite foods, and living on a bare diet where sweets, traditional treats and international cuisines barely find a place. Why, it is piteous that hosts hardly bother to serve diabetic-friendly treats even at parties.
While it is important for diabetics to control their diet to maintain a healthy blood glucose level, this certainly does not mean that one should feel guilty at the very thought of exotic good or delicacies from Mexican, Italian, Continental and such cuisines.
Exotic Diabetic Cooking is a cookbook that offers a way to wheel your life back to a fun-filled and food-filled track, peppered with satiating and mouth-watering recipes from various cuisines. This book shows how to prepare diabetic-friendly versions of luscious, exotic goods such as vegetable Tortilla Soup, Antipasto Duo, Phadthai Noodles, Momos, Date and Apple Kheer, etc. in your own kitchen.
Bid goodbye to the many days when cooking seemed like a chore, no thank to being allowed only boring and bland food. This cluster of 55 interesting and nutritious recipes from 6 different cosines, viz Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Thai, Italian and Continental, is sure to make the task of cooking as delightful as the resulting food.
Not only are these recipes simple to follow, they are also made using ingredients that are readily available in a regular kitchen. The end result is healthy food that is so delicious that non-diabetic members of the family will also enjoy it, thus doing away with the need to prepare special food for a diabetic person. One step ahead, to help you to monitor the calorie intake, a crucial aspect of diabetic care, every recipe is supplemented with information regarding its protin, fat and carbohydrate content, the total calories per serving and a suggested serving size.
Basic Recipes