How Do We Remember Our Past Lives

How Do We Remember Our Past Lives

Product ID: 23932

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Author: C Jinarajadasa
Publisher: Theosophical Publishing
Year: 2001
Language: English
Pages: 114
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170594294


Among the many ideas which have lightened the burden of men, one of the most serviceable has been that of Reincarnation. It not only explains why one man is born in the lap of luxury and another in poverty, why one is a genius and another an idiot, but it also holds out the hope that, as men now reap what they have shown in the past, so in future lives the poor and the wretched of today shall have what they lack.

When the idea of reincarnation is heard of for the first time, the student naturally supposes that is a Hindu doctrine, or it is known to be a fundamental part of both Hinduism and Buddhism. But the strange fact is that reincarnation is found everywhere as a belief, and its origin cannot be traced to Indian sources only.

There is one and only one objection which can logically be brought against reincarnation if correctly understood as Theosophy teaches it. It lies in the question: 'If, as you say, I have lived on earth in other bodies, why don't I remember the past?'

This valuable book by a Theosophical scholar offers a variety of answers to the question: Why do we not remember our past lives. Here the reader will learn in what ways we do remember them.

Reincarnation is placed within the wider setting of ev0lution, cyclic progression and the spiritual development of individuals and humanity i6tself. The author's poetic style is enriched with inspiring quotations.


How We Remember Our Past Lives
The Vision of the Spirit
The Law of Renunciation
The Hidden Work of Nature