Author: P C Ganesan
Publisher: Sura Books
Year: 2005
Language: English
Pages: 90
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8174783393
We do not have time to sit and share with others. We do not tolerate harmony and share with others what we have. There are times when we are so pessimistic. How are we going to learn a valuable lesson? How are we going to attach importance for smaller things?
This book is a compilation of certain events, which has a very suitable moral. This book teaches us some valuable things, which is difficult to see in today
The Beggar’s Predicament
That is how Edison looked at it
The Yardsticks are Different
Real respect is voluntary
He decided his Own course of Life
He learnt it from India
Who is not a sinner?
Truth will prevail
Knowledge is not Possession but Use
Rejection is also your Right
It is better to be Bold than to be Submissive
Useless Effort
Faith unto the last
He had a Mind of His Own
It’s value is only that
He started believing in him
An Ordinary Story but a Great Lesson
Simple Way of Explaining
Deformity No Impediment
Life is Different from Learning
It’s all in the Game of Life
What to do with too much of wealth?
Dilemma - The God Faced
The Philosopher’s Doubt
Respecting the other man
An Atheist Cornered
How He decided the Issue?
The Known and the Unknown
Faith Sustains Life
Still I am a Model
Respect for Other’s Feelings
The condition He made
Let Somebody Use it
The Wisdom the Sage got from a Woman
Following the Crowd
He made the Proposal, a Humour
Be alert in your Defence
Facing the Inevitable
The value of Literacy
Humanism of the Prime Minister
Presence of Mind is way to Success
Dharma is not constant
The Lesson He got there
Every Failure is an Experience
Preaching and Practice
It’s Case of Extraordinary Patience
Give What is Needed
Unaffected by Hostility
Knowing and Unknowing
The Target
Mysterious greeting
The Hermit’s child
Small Ignorance of Great Men
It’s just madness
No Use Losing Patience
Strange but True
Knowing is Always Better
It came of its own Accord
It is the Mind that is the Devil
Paid in the same coin
Crookedness of Human nature
That is the secret of it
The Hanging Question
A matter of Faith
Needs End Nowhere
Big and Small are only relative
Total Surrender
Funny Yardstick
Gift has its Value
None can be all knowing
Quite Unbecoming
Changes do come
The way of Genius
The Stubborn Heart
The good Deed will always have it Reward
The present alone is Important
Fools Rush in
Calmness in a Crisis
Great Ignorance
The Power of Spiritual Strength
He needed no Birthday Celebration
A Treasure to be Preserved Utter Helplessness
Total Dedication
The Price to be paid