Author: Swami Sivananda
Publisher: Divine Life Society
Year: 2004
Language: English
Pages: 286
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170521637
Sri Swami Sivanandaji’s writings are characteristic in being free from the rigid technical nomenclature and the austere logic usually met with in texts dealing with super-mundane mattes and in thus being accessible even to the most non-intellectual type of aspirants.
This beautiful production is a joyous handbook to one and all in their daily life, which instructs like a philosopher, coaxes like a mother, and makes merry like a friend. A page from this book cannot go without seriously benefiting its reader. We have no doubt that it will illumine many a soul that seeks Light.
1. Revelation of the Mysteries of Life Divine
2. The Divine avenue is Revealed
3. Revelation of the Universal Yoga
4. Revelation of Secrets for
Success in Sadhana
5. Divinity and its attainment
6. Revelation of the Purpose of Life
7. Revelation of the fountain of Bliss
8. Revelation of the supreme Unity
9. Revelation of the Eternal Truth
10. Revelation of the Imperishable
11. Revelation of Hidden Treasures
12. Revelation of the immance of God
13. Revelation of the Divine source
14. Revelation of Godhead