Author: Rahul Sharma
Publisher: Music Today
Year: 2006
Language: Music
Pages: N/A
ISBN/UPC (if available): M 06017
The underwater is like another world, with its own life, myths and mysteries. The mystifying and unexplored depths of the ocean run far and deep in the imagination of our minds, conjuring up images of a surreal ocean world.
In this brand new World music presentation, maestro Rahul Sharma, tells a musical story of these very fascinating species and people of the ocean. His forte in creating a visual imagery with the santoor, is probably the very best in this musical fable of the Ocean, which he fondly calls Samandar-A World Beneath The Ocean.
This Music CD carries following tracks:
1. Mistress of The Sea
2. Curse of the Mermaid
3. Coral Reefs
4. Sea Horses & Treasures
5. Deep Sea Divers
6. Legends of the sea goddess