Author: Swami Chidananda
Publisher: Divine Life Society
Year: 2005
Language: English
Pages: 300
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8170521777
On the holy Buddha Purnima day in May 1943, a 26 years old well-educated youth from an aristocrat family prostrated before Swami Sivananda and dedicated him totally at the feet of the guru. He was appointed as the General Secretary of the Divine Life Society in 1947 and was elected as its President in 1963.
Though he toured all over the world again and again, he remained an extremely simple, humble and austere sage. His spiritual height endeared himself to all the saints, philosophers and sincere seekers. His inspiring talks are an invaluable treasure for all the seekers.
H H Sri Swami Chidanandaji’s extremely austere life and his wisdom teachings remind us of the seers and sages of Upanishadic era. But there is one difference: Whereas the ancient teachings were aphoristic, abstract and extremely difficult to understand, Swamiji’s teachings are elaborate, easy-to-understand and imparted with affection of a parent or guru. As such, this mini-compendium of wisdom and knowledge all-both secular as well as spiritual, will greatly benefit the spiritual aspirants all over the world in their day-to-day activities and spiritual ascent.
New Year Messages
Divine Life Society Foundation Day
Gurudev’s Sannyasa Day
Guru Purnima-Aradhana Day
Sivananda Jayanti
Durga Puja
Gandhi Jayanti
Skanda Puja
Sri Gita Jayanti
Sri Dattatreya Jayanti
Christmas Messages
Year End Messages
Sri Visvanatha Jayanti
Religion And Righteousness
Virtue, The Purifying Force
Time Is Life, Be Up And Doing
You Are The Master OF Your Destiny
Challenges Make You Stronger
Positive Approach Is Key To Success
Guidelines To The Householders
The Purpose And Goal Of Life
The Practical Hints For Sadhana
Yoga, The Path To Blessedness
The Yoga Of Synthesis
Karma Yoga, Selfless Service
Bhakti Yoga, The Path Of Devotion
Raja Yoga Of Patanjali
Jnana Yoga
Thou Art That
Thou Or Tvam
That Or Tat
All Is One Only Or Asi
Realise The Self