Crude Understanding of Disbelief

Crude Understanding of Disbelief

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Author: Harun Yahya
Publisher: Goodword Books
Year: 2002
Language: English
Pages: 165
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8187570210


The word ignorance, as used in the Quran, conveys quite a different meaning from its normally accepted connotations. In its common use, ignorant means illiterate, uneducated or having no manners. Ignorance in the Quarnic sense however defines a state of mind in which a person is completely unaware of the purpose of his existence in this life, the attributes of his Creator and the information revealed in the Divine Book sent to him regarding his eternal life.

he word ignorance, as used in the Quran, conveys quite a different meaning from its normally accepted connotations. In its common use, ignorant means illiterate, uneducated or having no manners. Ignorance in the Quarnic sense however defines a state of mind in which a person is completely unaware of the purpose of his existence in this life, the attributes of his Creator and the information revealed in the Divine Book sent to him regarding his eternal life.

The reason why a special chapter is assigned to the collapse of the theory of evolution is that this theory constitutes the basis of all anti-spiritual philosophies. Since Darwinism rejects the fact of creation, and therefore the existence of Allah, during the last 140 years it has caused many people to abandon their faith or fall into doubt. Therefore, showing that this theory is a deception is a very important duty, which is strongly related to the deen.

This book and all the other works of the author can be read by individuals or studied in a group at a time of conversation. The reading of the books by a group of readers willing to profit from them will be useful in the sense that readers can relate their own reflections and experiences to one another.

The purpose of this book is to proceed further with this comparison and to demonstrate to what extent the crude understanding has the members of the ignorant society in its grip. Furthermore, this book thoroughly examines the moral values of this crude understanding and introduces the ways of living, chosen and enjoined by Allah, as the only solution to eliminate this mentality.




Getting to know the Ignorant Society
The Life Style Ignorance Exposes
The Moral Values of Ignorance
Fears and Obsessions of Ignorance
Deviant Beliefs of Ignorant People About Religion
An Important characteristic of the Ignorant Society:
The Impossibility of Their Not Being Convinced of
Getting Away From the Crude Understanding of Disbelief
The Eng of Materialism