Islam, Caste and Dalit Muslim Relations in India

Islam, Caste and Dalit Muslim Relations in India

Product ID: 17756

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Author: Yoginder Sikand
Publisher: Global Media
Year: 2004
Language: English
Pages: 127
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8188869066


Islam calls for uncompromising social equality of all humanity. Race, colour, caste and ethnic origin have no value in Islamic understanding of things — piety being the only determinant. This, however, has not stopped Muslims from adopting un-Islamic practices of social discrimination. Caste differences within the Muslim society are more apparent in the subcontinent than anywhere else.

The book claims to explore various dimensions of the caste question among Muslims in India. The book deals with considerable length on the all-important issue of inter-cast marriages and the concept of kafa’a (suitability and compatibility in marriage). For this, he relies on the comprehensive tract written in Urdu on the topic by Maulana Abdul Hamid Nu’mani, a senior leader of the Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind. Nu’mani has forthrightly brought to light, in no unambiguous terms, the internal hypocrisy of the community, which claims to be belonging to a universal brotherhood while at the same time shunning marital relationships with fellow Muslims.

He deconstructs the widely misunderstood concept of Kafa’a and decisively proves that it has no basis in Islam. He also does not hesitate to criticize the revered ulema, like Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi and Maulana Ahmed Raza Khan Barelwi whose views on kafa’a contradicted those of the Qur’an and Sunnah.


PREFACE CHAPTER 1 Caste Among Indian Muslims The Ashraf-Ajlaf Divide Kafa’s and the Legitimisation of Caste by the Indian Ulama CHAPTER 2 Dalit Muslims: Who Are They? All India Backward Muslim Morcha A New Indian Muslim Leadership and Changing Discourse of Community Identity CHAPTER 3 Dalit Conversion to Islam: Adil’s Case for an Islamic Liberation Theology Mission to the Dalits Dalit-Muslim Dialogue Ram Nath on Dalit-Muslim Unity CHAPTER 4 Critique of the Muslim Religious Leadership Critiques of the Jama’at-I-Islami Tablighi Jama’at Custodians of Sufi Shrines A New Islamic Leadership Liberation and the Pluralist Predicament: A New Islamic Vision INDEX