Bauls - The Seekers of the Path     (Set of 4 Books)

Bauls - The Seekers of the Path (Set of 4 Books)

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Author: Osho
Publisher: Diamond
Year: 2004
Language: English
Pages: 559
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8128805347


A Baul is a flowering. A Baul is a flowing energy. A Baul is not the ordinarily so-called religious, a Baul is really religious. He is not against the world, because he is not against God. It is His creation; he is not against anything because all is God’s. He finds the temple of God everywhere. Every presence is full of His presence. A Boul is a madman; that is the meaning of the word baul.

It comes from a Sanskrit word, vatul, which means mad. Become mad in the name of God! Become mad in sheer joy! And then you will know what a Baul is. There is no way to define; I can only indicate. These is no way to even describe, but I am here, present –I am a Baul. You look into me, taste me a little, eat me, drink me; that may give you some definition. And if you rally want, if you really desire the definition, then become a Baul.


His Osho incredible taped discourses, lectures and books have inspired me (and million of others) on the path of self evolution, His presence here is like a great bell tolling, awaken, awaken awaken.
-James Cobum-USA

A former university academic, Osho has been recognized, as an important spiritual philosopher. The teachings of Osho in fact encompass many religions, but he is not defined by any of them. He is an illuminating speaker on Zen, Taoism, Tibetan Buddhism, Christianity, and ancient Greek philosophy, and also a prolific author.
-Dictionary of Mysticism and the Occult, USA
Author-Nevill Drury

There are two traditions in India-one is the tradition of the Vedas, the other is the tradition of the Tantras. Vedas are more formal, more of the nature of rituals. Vedas are more social, organizational. Tantras are more individual-less concerned with rituals, forms, habits, more concerned with the essential; less concerned with the forms, more concerned with the soul.

Bauls belong more to the Tantras than to the Vedas. Tantra uses sex to rise higher than it, but it uses it. Sex becomes instrumental. Bauls say that is not very respectful: How can you use some energy? How can you use some energy as a means? They don’t use sex as a means; they delight in it, they enjoy it. They make a worship out of it, but without any technique. It is not technological. They love it, and through love the transformation happens on its own accord.


Bauls say, When there is no fear, just the love is enough, it will monitor you and it will guide you. Honey is hidden within the lotus bloom but the bee knows it. Dung-beetles nestle in dung, discounting honey. Submission is the secret of knowledge. Surrender is the secret of knowledge, because surrender is the secret of love and love is the only knowledge of worth.


The Baul believes in the Sahaja Manush, the spontaneous man. The Baul says the spontaneous man is the way to the essential man.

The Baul lives in tremendous gratitude. He sings and dances-that is his prayer. He cries. He simply wonders why, for what has life been given to him, for what has he been allowed to see the rainbows in the sky, for what has he been allowed to see flowers, butterflies, people, rivers and rocks For what? Because life is so obvious you tend to forget the tremendous gift hidden in it.


Life is gift. It has been given to you for no reason at all. You cannot have earned it, because how can you earn it if you were not? Life is a gift, but we go on forgetting it, we are not even thankful. We don’t have any gratitude. We certainly complain for a thousand and one things which we may think we are missing in life. But we never feel grateful for life itself. It has been given to you because God had so much to give, not because you have earned it.

Love, love life, love all that surrounds you, and let your roots spread as far and as wide as possible. You will start touching the feet f God. Your flowers will start being offered to the divine feet. Otherwise, remember-you will remain a dwarf.

Love is a must. It is the only nourishment for the soul. The body can exist with food, the soul can exist only with love. Let it not remain just a word; allow it to become a penetrating experience. Love is worship for the Bauls, love is prayer for the Bauls, love is God for the Bauls.


A former university academic, Osho has been recognized, as an important spiritual philosopher. The teachings of Osho in fact encompass many religions, but he is not defined by any of them. He is an illuminating speaker on Zen, Taoism, Tibetan Buddhism, Christianity, and ancient Greek philosophy, and also a prolific author.
-Dictionary of Mysticism and the Occult, USA
Author-Nevill Drury

His Osho incredible taped discourses, lectures and books have inspired me (and million of others) on the path of self evolution, His presence here is like a great bell tolling, awaken, awaken awaken.
-James Cobum-USA


Now is not Part of Time

They Kill Lust with Lust

I’m Just Being to you

Be the Formless in You

Love is Death

Submission is the Secret of Knowledge

I am Just a Midwife

What is there, is there

The only criterion is your thirst

Kali and Krishna are one

Direction Is a Non-Ending Process

Dying With Death, You Must Live to Seek

The Body Is an abode

It is always God who Loves

Truth is neither I nor you

The Roots And the Flowers Are one

When Doubt is not, Trust Is

Close Your Eyes and Try to Catch him

Remember to Stop in the middle

Die Living