Things have a way of working out and other Stories

Things have a way of working out and other Stories

Product ID: 1478

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Author: Mulk Raj Anand
Publisher: Vision/Orient paperbacks
Year: 1998
Language: English
Pages: 136
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8122202187


This anthology of 12 stories by a famous Indian author impresses with his profound knowledge of Indian religion and culture. Anand is not a mere storyteller, he is a poet as well. There runs a fine poetic streak through his stories.

Some Comments on the Author:

Mulk Raj Anand writes about the Indians much as Chekhov writes about the Russians, or Sean O'Faolain or Frank O'Conner write about the Irish. At the same time his manner is quite his own...Anand's writing has an attractive sensuous quality. He somehow charges his pages with heat, color, scents. He has, most of all, the touch, the power that makes the writer great -- he can give human weakness a dignity of its own.

He is an excellent raconteur, telling a story with grace and point. He commands an easy urbane style ... the stories have the power to charm.