Author: Lex Hixon
Publisher: New Age Books
Year: 2004
Language: English
Pages: 223
ISBN/UPC (if available): 817822190X
The Great Mother is humanity's most primordial, pervasive, and fruitful image of reality. Either secretly or openly, she appears with extraordinary power, wisdom, and tenderness at the core of every noble culture.
She illuminates the entire universe because she is not some local or limited goddess but our Universal Mother. She expresses herself fluently through and within every sacred tradition, without needing to call attention to her feminine nature.
No one who wants to approach and enjoy the mystery of the Divine Feminine in its paradoxical glory should be without this book.
-ANDREW HARVEY, author of Hidden Journey, Journey in Ladakh, and coauthor of Dialogues with a Modern Mystic
In this delightful translation by Lex Hixon, we hear the pillow talk of the mystic poet Ramprasad to his Goddess Kali, Mother of the Universe, Mother of Reality-a tantric love affair with the Divine that will completely enchant the reader.
-CATHERINE INGRAM, author of In the Footsteps of Gandhi: Conversations with Spiritual/Social Activists
Mother of the Universe is a fascinating example of the devotion inspired by Ma Kali, one of the very few manifestations of the ancient Primal Goddess still actively worshiped today. This book is a revelation for the uninitiated and a joy for those who already know the Goddess.
-BARBARA WALKER, author of The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, The Skeptical Feminist, and Amazon
The Wise Woman Way - so exquisitely brought to life by Lex Hixon in these verses - has been spinning and spiraling since time out of mind, yet its message is as fresh, vital, and empowering as ever. She calls in these poems. She who is matter, mater, mother, Mary. She calls. She calls you. Listen! You may save your life, or the earth.
-SUSUN WEED, author of Healing Wise, Menopausal Years - The Wise Woman Way, and Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year
Lex Hixon has made a beautiful offering at the feet of the Goddess in this timely and timeless volume. The Poetry is sublime. On hearing it I am, like Shiva, dissolved in transparency. All who read should nourish their hearts with these poetic contemplations, and all who cannot read should hear. Jai Kali MA! To the Mother, all praises.
-PENNY SLINGER, artist and coauthor of Sexual Secrets, the Alchemy of Ecstasy
The Nature of Mother Wisdom
Tantric Hymns of Enlightenment
Contemporary Visions of the Goddess