The History and Culture of the Indian People - Vol.  X Indian Renaissance

The History and Culture of the Indian People - Vol. X Indian Renaissance

Product ID: 1292

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Author: R C Majumdar
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Year: 2007
Language: English
Pages: 688
ISBN/UPC (if available): N/A


Volumes 9 & 10 deal with the history of India from 1818 to 1905. These two dates aresignificant landmarks in the history of Modern India. The establishment of Britishparamountcy in India was completed in 1818, and the year 1905 marks the beginningof that national struggle by the Indians against the British rule which culminated in the achievement of independence in 1947. Volume 10 delineates the social changes and cultural renaissance which led to the emergence of India from the Medieval to the Modern Age, and set in motion those forces and tendencies which created the Indian nation out of heterogeneous groups of people.



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