Islam at the Crossroads

Islam at the Crossroads

Product ID: 12230

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Author: Muhammad Asad
Publisher: Kitab Bhavan
Year: 2007
Language: English
Pages: 164
ISBN/UPC (if available): 8171513344


This little book is a humble contribution towards the great goal. It does not pretend to be a dispassionate survey of affairs; it is the statement of a case. The case of Islam versus Western civilization.

And it is not written for those with whom Islam is only one of the many, more or less useful, accessories to social life; but rather for those in whose hearts still lives a spark of the flame which burned in the Companions of the Prophet-the flame that once made Islam great as a social order and a cultural achievement.


This work is extremely interesting. I have no doubt the coming as it does from a highly cultured European convert to Islam, it will prove an eye-opener to our younger generation.
-Allama Iqbal

The most thoughtful and thought-stimulating work on the means of Islamic revival that has appeared since Prince Said Hakim Pasha's famous Islamlashmaq.
-Marmaduke Pickthall

A short but full book showing the errors of the Muslims with extraordinary clearness and wealth of arguments.
-Syed Sulaiman Nadvi



The Open Road of Islam

The Sprit of the West

The Shadow of the Crusades

About Education

About Imitation

Hadith and Sunnah

The Spirit of the Sunnah



The Author